{image_1}Herta Lowenthal, a British Jew, has become one of the oldest people to ever make aliyah (immigration to Israel) at 97 years old. She joined her 12 great-grandchildren in Israel in March 2007, emigrating from Britain, where she lived most of her life. Lowenthal told the British Totally Jewish (TJ) Web site that moving to Israel was the fulfillment of a lifelong dream.
Continue Reading »{image_1}“Dick Cheney [US vice president] has given orders for a covert war against Hizbullah…There is now an American program that is using Lebanon to further its goals in the region…If it wasn’t for America’s interference, we would have resolved the issue of participating in the [Lebanese] government a long time ago. America is forcing the government forces to prolong this crisis, because they want a price for it…They want to tie Lebanon into negotiations that benefit Israel and their plan for a new Middle East.”
Continue Reading »{image_1}Israeli company SAFEXIT is offering an innovative escape route down the outside of the building when all other avenues are cut off. What’s more, it can be retrofitted into new or existing buildings. Yoav Barzilai, SAFEXIT’s vice president of R&D and 27-year veteran of the Israeli police’s elite anti-terror unit, knew he had to find a solution as he watched people jump from the World Trade Center on 9/11.
Continue Reading »The atmosphere in Israel is drawn as tightly as a violin bow.
{image_1}Everyone from the man on the street to military analysts will tell you that a major conflict is imminent. Since last summer’s war, now called the Second Lebanon War, there has been a tense waiting for the next war to begin. There is a weariness of soul as so many are mourning over lost sons and daughters. The past year has been an intensely difficult year for Israel with 233 soldiers losing their lives in the ongoing battle; 119 of them in the 34-day-long Second Lebanon War. At the same time, there is recognition that Israel must be ready for any and all threats. Those threats are multi-pronged, ranging from Hizbullah in Lebanon, to Ahmadinejad in Iran, to Hamas, Fatah, and Islamic Jihad in Gaza and other Palestinian areas, and Syria to the north. War is in the wind. The question is which direction it will come from first. Lately, Syrian preparations have been escalating.
Continue Reading »{image_1}The liberation of Jerusalem on June 7, 1967 (Iyar 28 on the Hebrew calendar) marked the first time in thousands of years that the entire city of Jerusalem, the holiest city in Judaism, came under Jewish sovereignty.
Continue Reading »{image_1}The Hebrew word tzedakah is often translated as “charity.” However, when understood from a Jewish viewpoint, it is much different. The root word for tzedakah is tzedak, which means righteousness, justice, or fairness. “In Judaism, giving to the poor is not viewed as a generous, magnanimous act; it is simply an act of justice and righteousness, the performance of a duty, giving the poor their due” (www.jewfaq.org). Maimonides, a 12th-century Jewish sage, organized tzedakah into eight levels, from giving begrudgingly (level one) to giving when neither party knows the other’s identity (level seven). However, “the highest degree of tzedakah,” said Maimonides, “is helping others help themselves.”
Continue Reading »From Russia to Iran
Russia has announced deliveries of the TOR-M1 surface-to-air missile system to Iran. The Russian defense ministry said Iran was considering another order of the mobile, short-range anti-aircraft system. The TOR-M1 was said to be capable of destroying manned and unmanned aircraft as well as cruise missiles. The system, introduced in 2005, could destroy two targets simultaneously at an altitude of 3.7 miles [6 kilometers] and identify up to 48 targets simultaneously.
Continue Reading »“So on behalf of Christians around the world I would like to take this opportunity to say to the people of Israel, that you are so loved. That your God has so touched our hearts with His love for you that we are here to serve you if you will allow us to do so. Markets Unlocked is given as a free gift to you from the Christian community around the world as an act of repentance and reconciliation for what has been done to you through the centuries in the name of Christianity, and as a practical expression of our love and support for you.
We stand together with you at this difficult time, and we would like you to know that you are not alone.” Julian Watts, at the launch of Markets Unlocked in Israel
Continue Reading »For the first time in Israel, the life of a woman suffering from secondary acute leukemia was saved by umbilical cord blood donated by two mothers after they gave birth. Stem cells from cord blood do not have to be the exact tissue type of the recipient, unlike bone marrow from adults. The graft “took” in two weeks rather than the month it usually takes for bone marrow.
Continue Reading »Special Olympics Israel made a big splash when nine of its athletes traveled to California to participate in the Robert C. Placak Tiburon Mile. Athletes swim one nautical mile from San Francisco Bay's Angel Island to the shores of downtown Tiburon. This is not a Special Olympics event, but the world's biggest and most competitive open-water swim, in which Olympic and World Champion swimmers from the nations participate.
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