“Hamas won [the elections], with Syria standing by it—in front of it, behind it, to its right, and to its left, and Bush can [go] explode…Bush can [go] explode, and all of Britain can [go] explode, along with all its supporters from among the Jews. The Jews must know that they will definitely be defeated. The hypocrites should also know…The leaders who tremble and fear for their thrones must also know that these thrones will not help them. These thrones will not spare them anything. This hollow drum will be to no avail on the day the real drum—the drum of Jihad—is beaten. This nation must devour these hypocrites and trample them underfoot.”
Continue Reading »Why do you think they [Jews] are safe in Palestine? These people, who left their homelands as a result of your [allies of WWII] pressure and anti-Judaism, went to a country that did not belong to them. Different minorities from different countries came to live side by side, just like pieces of paper joined together with a paper clip. They live in an atmosphere of insecurity on a daily basis. I’ve said this once, and I’ll say it again: Open the gates of this big prison. Allow these people to decide freely, and you will see that they will return to their homelands. Of course, you must first let go of your anti-Judaism. You must let go of it. We believe that just like the rest of mankind, the Jews have the right to live a life of prosperity, freedom, and security. Set them free, and let them return to their homelands.”
Continue Reading »The beginning of something new…
On June 11, 2006, 45 young adults––mostly college students––went into the Judean desert for a unique face-to-face experience. What was interesting about this event is that it involved three different groups: 16 Jewish students from the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya representing StandWithUs (SWU), 19 Christian students on a tour with Eagles’ Wings, and 5 long-term young adult volunteers from Bridges for Peace in Jerusalem. This was a face-to-face encounter aimed at bringing Christians and Jews together, young people who love the Land of Israel and have a passion for Zionism.
Continue Reading »The command to love God with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind is the greatest commandment. It Is part of the Shema, the prayer that Jesus and all Jews since Him have prayed morning and evening to commit themselves to follow the Lord. When we think about those words, we tend to pass by the phrase “heart and soul” quickly, probably thinking that it means that we should love God with our spirit and emotions, and very passionately.
Continue Reading »Gary, who is overseeing the new young adult outreach of Bridges for Peace, and I went for a ride a couple of days ago. We decided that somebody needed to have fun in Israel. Most of my tour groups feature folks with white hair and they generally define fun slightly different than a young adult’s definition. Gary is young—at least by my standards. I, on the other hand, occasionally have “young” ideas. I like adventure. In fact, I am likely to try something just because I’ve never done it before. I guess I never really grew up in some ways.
Continue Reading »Some completely unexpected results of biopsies performed on women with fertility problems have led to a new path of scientific discovery that may hold hope for women trying to conceive.
Continue Reading »Contradicting most of his colleagues, a former senior leader of the Waqf (Islamic custodians of the Temple Mount) told WorldNetDaily he has come to believe the first and second Jewish Temples existed and stood at the current location of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Continue Reading »For years, engineers have tried to improve the quality of cellular phone reception by minimizing the effects of weather changes. But Israeli engineers from Tel Aviv University’s School of Engineering actually took advantage of the problem and found that they could measure rainfall more accurately by monitoring the cellular environment than using radar.
Continue Reading »What a difference a few minutes can make. That thought must surely be running through the minds of dozens of parents and teenagers at the HaNativ HaYeshivati high school in Sderot after a Palestinian Kassam rocket slammed through the roof of a classroom on May 21st. The day had started like any other, with students attending morning prayers in an adjacent synagogue and then staying behind to hear their teacher deliver a schmooze—a brief discourse on a Torah-related subject.
Continue Reading »Israel has deemed its new reconnaissance satellite a success. The state-owned Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) said the Eros-B1 satellite has relayed images that demonstrated design capabilities. Eros-B1 was said to have a high resolution image capability of less than 0.7 meters (27 inches).
“The short period of time taken to manufacture the satellite and its high quality photos are an unprecedented technological achievement,” IAI president Itzhak Nissan said.
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