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From French to Hebrew: Returning Home

Dispatch from Jerusalem

Israel Introduces In-Flight Cell-Phone Usage

March 2, 2005

Israeli technology will soon enable passengers to call ahead about delays in arrival times, rendering obsolete in-flight announcements to “turn off all cell phones.”

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Intel Unveils NEW Israeli-Designed Chip

March 2, 2005

In January, Intel, the world’s largest maker of computer chips, unveiled its latest technology, an upgraded version of its Centrino chipset, which, like its predecessor, was conceived in Intel’s development center in Haifa.

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No more oil changes?

March 2, 2005

Imagine buying a new car and driving it for 10 years without once taking it for an oil-and-lube job. The engine won’t even have a dipstick to check the oil. That’s what the future holds if Rehovot-based ApNano Materials succeeds in marketing NanoLub.

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Tourists Rank Israel 4.2 out of 5

March 2, 2005

A Ministry of Tourism–sponsored survey says foreign visitors were satisfied with their stay in Israel. Some 80% described their stay in the country as “very good” or “excellent.” Former Tourism Minister Gideon Ezra says the survey proves that Israel is an attractive destination for travelers and that tourism is the fastest-growing sector of the economy.

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Intifada Casualties Down 44% in 2004

March 2, 2005

According to Israel Defense Forces (IDF) figures presented last December, the number of Israeli civilians killed in terror attacks and the number of troops killed in battle in the territories dropped by 44% in 2004, compared to the previous year’s figures.

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Tsunami Brings Israeli-Palestinian Friendship

March 2, 2005

The tsunami that devastated parts of Southeast Asia brought an Israeli and a Palestinian couple together in the most trying of circumstances—on the roof of a truck, with floodwaters swirling around them.

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Western Wall Hill: OUT. Temple Period Finds: IN.

March 2, 2005

Jerusalem city engineers will take down the hill jutting out from the Western Wall, replacing it with a bridge. Archaeologists expect to find treasures, such as a tall gate from the Second Temple.

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Israel’s New International Airport Opens

February 1, 2005

After years of delay, the new, ultramodern Terminal 3 at Ben-Gurion International Airport has opened. The terminal was built over a seven-year period at a cost in excess of US $900 million. Passengers will enjoy walking onto planes directly from the departure lounge, instead of the former system, which included walking down flights of stairs while carrying hand luggage, a bus ride to the plane, and then climbing stairs into the plane.

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“Do you ever go to bed hungry?”

February 1, 2005

One in Five Israeli Children Go To Bed Without Supper

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Jerusalem Goes Wireless

February 1, 2005

As promised, Jerusalem is now wireless. The new Unwire Jerusalem program, which provides free, wireless Internet access in selected public places, was launched in November 2004 at a ceremony at City Hall.

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