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Hope in Difficult Times

Dispatch from Jerusalem

Beauty Amid Devastation

January 16, 2024

  War is ugly. It destroys lives. It steals away innocence. It highlights the evil of which humanity is capable. October 7, 2023 should have been a day filled with laughter and joy on Simchat Torah (Rejoicing in the Torah). But some 2,000 Hamas terrorists shattered the festive morning by storming Israeli communities and homes,

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January 16, 2024

  Halva is a sweet treat made from tahini or sesame paste. Thought to have originated in ancient Persia, halva has captured the hearts of Israelis and is a sweet treat of choice enjoyed throughout the year. It has become a feature in markets around the country, with Jerusalem’s Mehane Yehuda market boasting a delightful

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Israel, You Are Not Alone

November 9, 2023

  Saturday morning, October 7. It’s Shabbat and the streets of Jerusalem are the kind of quiet you find only on Saturdays in the Promised Land. We are on our way out,  heading to the Dead Sea to show a friend from Namibia the white desert of Judea. But then the air raid siren screams.

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Israel, We Are with You!

November 9, 2023

We bid farewell to 2023 and step into 2024 in the shadow of the October 7 massacre. So instead of general wishes of love and joy, the Bridges for Peace volunteers want to use this opportunity to tell Israel in their own words that whatever comes, whatever happens—good or bad—we are with you. “It is

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Jewish–Christian Relations in Israel: Reason for Concern?

November 9, 2023

Christians around the world have been alarmed at news of recent anti-Christian actions in Israel. A number of incidents are at the heart of the concerns. In September last year, Jordanian King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein stood in the United Nations General Assembly and said that Christianity is under attack in Jerusalem. In March, Knesset

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The Right to Exist?

November 9, 2023

The nation of Israel is often misunderstood and misrepresented in the global media—many times deliberately. For example, when speaking of Israel’s efforts to bring an end to a deadly wave of terror attacks in Judea and Samaria, Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir made the comment, “The right to life precedes freedom of movement.” The

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Don’t Stray too Far from Home: Iran’s Sinister Method of Attacking Israel

November 9, 2023

For the past several years, Israel has been engaging in a shadow war with Iran. The clerics in Tehran seek to wipe the “Zionist enemy” off the map and extend their influence across the Middle East, while Jerusalem seeks to thwart Iran’s regional and nuclear ambitions. Without an outright showdown on the battlefield, the Jewish

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Unpacking the “Palestinian” Jesus

November 9, 2023

Whether it means stockings hung by the chimney with care in the northern hemisphere or a week at the beach in the south, Christmas is a holiday beloved by billions around the world. For many Christians, it is a time with real sacred meaning, celebrating the birth of the Son of God, the Savior of

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The Fight for Hanukkah

November 9, 2023

  Across Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel) and in Jewish communities around the globe, the season to kindle the Hanukkah (Festival of Lights) candles is here! Synagogues, community centers, households and businesses come aglow with the light of the special menorah (seven-branched candelabra) called a hanukkiah. Its eight branches (plus one to light the

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Spicy Hanukkah Beef Stew

November 9, 2023

Hanukkah (Festival of Lights) is an eight-day festival celebrating the rededication of the Second Temple following the Maccabean Revolt. It is celebrated by lighting the hanukkiah or the nine-branched menorah every night, reciting special prayers and enjoying fried food. This feast falls during the cold, dark months of winter, so what’s better than a hearty

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