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From French to Hebrew: Returning Home

Dispatch from Jerusalem

The Menace on Israel’s Southern Border

The past 12 months have been particularly strained for the residents of southern Israel. Barrages of rockets, nights spent huddled in bomb shelters as air raid sirens wail, a scorched earth, violent protests a mere stone’s throw away and waves of incendiary kites and balloons flown across the border are but some of the threats

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Researchers Discover Promising Treatment for Aggressive Brain Tumors

Glioblastoma is a serious and incurable brain cancer. Patients receiving this diagnosis typically have 11–20 months to live. One of the main difficulties in treating this cancer is that its cells quickly build up a resistance to chemotherapy. In Nucleic Acids Research, Professor Rotem Karni and his team at Hebrew University’s Institute for Medical Research

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A Lifesaving Israeli Combat Robot

The Administration for the Development of Weapons and Technological Infrastructure of the Ministry of Defense has completed the development stage of the Sahar system: a robotic engineering explorer, and has begun the testing phase. The system was developed to carry out operational missions in various arenas, with an emphasis on dealing with explosives, and is

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Ridding the World of the Red Palm Weevil

The red palm weevil is an invasive pest that decimates palm crops across the world, but an Israeli bio-company has developed a new pesticide that can stop it in its tracks. The red palm weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus), also known as the Asian or sago palm weevil, is a reddish brown insect that measures about 3–5

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An Ancient Bit between the Teeth

An international team of archaeologists has uncovered the earliest example of the use of a bridle bit with an equid (former species of the horse family) in the Near East. The discovery provides first evidence of the use of the bit to control an animal long before the appearance of the species of horse known

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Stone Mask Uncovered

A fascinating and rare stone mask was discovered recently, its characteristics and context testifying that the mask is 9,000 years old and dates to the Neolithic (new stone age) period. According to Ronit Lupu of the Israel Antiquities Authority Antiquities Theft Prevention Unit, “The mask is a unique finding in the archaeological world. The fact

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Friend or Foe? Israel’s Complicated Relationship with Russia

Twenty-three minutes. It took less than half an hour for a crisis to raise tensions between Israel and Russia to levels not seen in years, perhaps decades. It started at 9:42 p.m. on September 17—when Israel first launched a strike on weapons bound for Hezbollah in Syria as detailed in Israeli journalist Amos Harel’s recap

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EU Bites the Hand that Feeds Israel’s Bedouin

Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman has had it with the European Union’s (EU) flagrant interference in Israel’s internal affairs, and he is certainly not alone among Israeli politicians. The source of this current frustration is the EU’s reaction to Israel’s plans to relocate the illegal Bedouin herding village of Khan al-Ahmar in Judea and Samaria. Europe

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2018: Israel’s Big Year

No year in Israel can be considered ordinary. This is the land held in title deed by the Almighty, pledged in an everlasting covenant to the children of Abraham. Here, the astounding and against-all-odds serve as the building blocks of history. Yet the fulfillment of promise is more than a historic fact. In Israel, the

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Understanding Jewish Symbols: The Hanukkiah

Everyone has a favorite time of year to come and enjoy all the Land of Israel has to offer. While winter is perhaps not the preferred time to visit for many, it is the season in which the beautiful holiday of Hanukkah occurs. Known as the Festival of Lights, the Feast of Dedication and the

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