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Hope in Difficult Times

Dispatch from Jerusalem

Israel’s Track Record of Safeguarding Civilization from Rogue Nuclear Powers

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently vowed that Israel would not shrink from military action to stop Tehran from satisfying its nuclear ambitions. “We will act, if necessary, against Iran itself,” he said. Netanyahu did not spell out the implications of his words. He did not have to. Israel has a track record of making good

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US Embassy to Open in Jerusalem for Israel’s 70th Birthday

On May 14, 2018, Israel and those who love her will celebrate Independence Day, the Jewish state’s 70th birthday as a modern nation. The day will be filled with exuberant joy, celebration and merriment—and for good reason. The opportunity to mark seven decades since God fulfilled a millennia-old promise of the Jewish state’s miraculous rebirth (Isa.

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Abbas’ Failed Government, Living on Borrowed Time

Mahmoud Abbas is entering his 14th year as leader of the Palestinian Authority. At the outset, both the West and his own people saw him as the ideal leader, a reformer who would get the parties back to the negotiating table and usher in the longed-for two state solution. Today, after alienating the West and

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Are the Saudis Trading ‘Palestine’ for Israel?

The State of Palestine without Jerusalem. It was bold. It was shocking. And it reportedly was suggested by the Saudis. The Kingdom that is home to the two holiest sites in Islam and even calls its king the “Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques” was apparently willing to drop the demand that the Dome of

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Tale of Two Cities

Jerusalem is experiencing one of its biggest expansions ever. Mayor Nir Barkat is focused on making Jerusalem a modern metropolis and one of the most accessible cities in Israel. Barkat hopes that new rail lines, business centers and massive residential construction will not only attract new citizens, but also investment from Israeli companies. During 2018,

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Make Your Visit to Israel Count

A trip to the Holy Land is a lifelong dream for many Christians and each year many come by the tens of thousands—their dreams fulfilled. Scripture will come alive when you visit the places Jesus (Yeshua) walked during His earthly ministry. Tabgha, on the shores of the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee), where Jesus prepared a

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Passover Coconut Macaroons

There is something incredibly satisfying about biting into a chewy, decadent coconut macaroon. Maybe it’s the fact that most are dipped in dark chocolate (which naturally makes everything taste better). Coconut macaroons are a well-loved Passover dessert, becoming a traditional Pesach staple in the late-1800s. To mix up your Seder meal this year, try one

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Israel on the Move

An Inspiration to the World “How unlikely was Israel’s birth; how more unlikely has been her survival. And how confounding, and against the odds, has been her thriving. You have turned the desert into a garden, scarcity into plenty, sickness into health, and you turned hope into a future.  “Israel is like a tree that

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Taking Off Soon!: Israel’s New Ilan and Asaf Ramon International Airport  

Come September 2018, the Promised Land will boast a new airport—the first civilian flight center built in Israel since the country’s rebirth 70 years ago. In the six months before the first planes are set to land and take to the skies—as engineers, designers and contractors put finishing touches on the runways, terminal and amenities—Israeli

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Running Where the Prophets Walked

On marathon day, everything in Jerusalem comes to a halt. Everything except 30,000 runners, that is. Every spring, Jerusalem’s historic streets clear for thousands of runners from Israel and around the world to stream through the city during the Jerusalem Winner’s Marathon. The marathon started back in 2011 when Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat, an avid

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