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Hope in Difficult Times

Dispatch from Jerusalem

Israel Will Endure

Recognizing the Jewish State “We expect everyone who talks about a peace process to recognize the State of Israel and, of course, to recognize a Jewish state. We are not prepared to accept bogus reconciliations in which the Palestinian side apparently reconciles at the expense of our existence. Whoever wants to make such a reconciliation,

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Wave of the Future

Finding solutions to the world’s dependence on fossil fuels has been the focus of environmental activists for many years and generating electricity from the ocean’s waves is not a new idea. However, Eco-Wave Power, an Israeli start-up company, has developed a unique wave energy converter that is low-cost, low-maintenance and “capable of producing large amounts

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Israeli Developers behind New iPhone X Tech

The new technologies unveiled at the launch event for the iPhone X can be traced to none other than the Start-up Nation, Israel. The X model, Apple’s newest and most advanced offering, boasts innovative face recognition capabilities, allowing users to unlock the device using a facial signature and creating animated emojis controlled by their own

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A Call to Prayer

“Be favorable Lord our God toward Your people Israel and their prayer, and restore the service to the Holy of Holies of Your Temple.” Every day for thousands of years the Jewish people have prayed these words. Millions upon millions of prayers have gone up to the heavens directed toward one place, the Temple Mount

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The Path to Peace—What’s Next?

On September 13, 1993, a joint Israeli–Palestinian Declaration of Principles based on an agreement worked out in Oslo, was signed by their chief negotiators. The agreement was to be a framework for ongoing negotiations that would eventually bring the Israeli–Palestinian conflict to a peaceful resolution. Since then, history records a plethora of conferences, meetings, discussions

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The Arabs Who Stand with Israel

When terror strikes, international leaders and world bodies are known to come alongside the city, nation or people torn apart by hate-driven violence. For the victims, they pledge sympathy and solidarity; for the perpetrators, scorn and fury. The Temple Mount terror attack on Friday morning, 14 July, was no different. As the people of Israel

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Fatherhood, Israeli Style

Ever since I set foot in the beautiful city of Jerusalem, I have been absolutely fascinated by the variance of fatherhood in Israeli culture versus the western norm. From the very beginning I watched fathers in their daily routine and their diverse roles intrigued me greatly. Israeli fathers seemed somehow different to me than any

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Outplaying Hitler: The Creation of the Palestine Symphony Orchestra

As anti-Semitism cast a dark shadow over Europe in the 1930s, a Polish Jew named Bronislaw Huberman chose to fight it with the only weapon he had—his music. Finding Sanctuary In Germany, Hitler had begun to crack down on the Jewish population, banning them from employment in German companies. Even cultural institutions were not exempt—in

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Taste & See

I wish you could all join us in our sukkah (booth) on our balcony in Jerusalem overlooking the Gan Sacher Park and the Knesset…however it only comfortably fits about eight people. If you were here you would most probably be served one of our favorite salads. We always look forward to the fall festivals for

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Israel’s Warming Global Relationships

In Africa PM Netanyahu’s purpose in pursuing African relations is to “Dissolve this majority, this giant bloc of 54 African countries that is the basis of the automatic majority against Israel in the UN and international bodies.” —PM Netanyahu speaking with press before leaving for ECOWAS summit in Liberia   “I believe in Africa, I

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