I grew up eating this dish almost every erev Shabbat (Friday evening). My mom learned from her mom who learned it from her mother-in-law. This recipe has been in our family ever since they left Bucharia (now known as Uzbekistan). It is traditional to cook the pilaf in a large cast iron pot but a
Continue Reading »The Status of Jerusalem “Fifty years ago we returned to the heart of our capital and our country, and 50 years ago we did not conquer—we liberated…With the bravery of our soldiers and with the love of our people, Jerusalem was reunited and so, today, I say to the world with a loud and clear
Continue Reading »Peace in the Middle East is more than just a dream. For multiple Arab nations and Israel, it’s already something of a reality—or at least close enough for now. That’s the opinion of Dr. Jonathan Spyer, a Middle East expert who told The Mideast Update that secretive relations between Israel, Saudi Arabia and the United
Continue Reading »2017 will be remembered as the year of unforgettable anniversaries. In 1917 the Balfour Declaration was penned and General Allenby liberated Jerusalem from the Ottoman Empire. The first Zionist Congress met 120 years ago and issued a united declaration to establish a Jewish homeland. This was pivotal for the next milestone which came 70 years
Continue Reading »One of the keys to independence is mobility—being able to move from place to place at will. For those who have suffered spinal cord injuries or perhaps a crippling illness, a wheelchair is the ticket to that mobility and independence. Today there are between five and eight million disabled children in the world who need
Continue Reading »We produce a lot of garbage in our instant, prepackaged society. Landfills around the world are overflowing with solid waste products. Yes, many people are recycling their plastics, paper and glass but can we do more? Infimer®, an Israeli company, has discovered a new process for treating unsorted garbage. The end result is an amazing
Continue Reading »Researchers from Ben Gurion University (BGU) and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) have developed novel ultrafiltration membranes that significantly improve the virus-removal process from treated municipal wastewater used for drinking in water-scarce cities. Current membrane filtration methods require intensive energy to adequately remove pathogenic viruses without using chemicals like chlorine. Researchers at UIUC
Continue Reading »Recently, the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) uncovered an Ottoman-period well and an elaborate water system located nearby as part of the work being carried out by the Netivei Israel Company to widen Highway 38 near Ramat Bet Shemesh. A large well, about 3.5 meters [11.5 ft] in diameter, was discovered at the site, dug into
Continue Reading »The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA), in collaboration with the Israel Nature and Parks Authority (INPA), continues to unveil evidence of Jerusalem’s unique history, further reinforcing the indelible connection of the Jewish people to the city. Current excavations in the City of David are revealing evidence from the battle of Jerusalem two thousand years ago—a battle
Continue Reading »Friday, 09 June, 2017 | Since the establishment of the State of Israel, 3.2 million immigrants have immigrated to Israel, about 43% of them since 1990. This emerges from data published Tuesday by the Central Bureau of Statistics. In the past year, there has been a decline in the number of immigrants compared to the
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