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Hope in Difficult Times

Dispatch from Jerusalem

Decorated Hanukkah Cookies

Ingredients: ½ c.              unsalted butter, softened 1 (3 oz.)        package cream cheese ½ c.              granulated sugar ¼ c.              honey 1                  egg ½ tsp.           vanilla extract 2½ c.            all-purpose flour 1/3 c.            finely ground walnuts 1 tsp.            baking powder ¼ tsp.           salt Assorted colored icings, sprinkles and colored sugars Instructions: Beat

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Elusive Peace in the Middle East

Addressing the UN General Assembly “Given its history of hostility towards Israel, does anyone really believe that Israel will let the UN determine our security and our vital national interests? We will not accept any attempt by the UN to dictate terms to Israel. The road to peace runs through Jerusalem and Ramallah, not through

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Frankincense and Myrrh—Along Israel’s Spice Route

The Spice and Incense Route—those words conjure images of long camel caravans ferrying trade goods across the Negev desert to Jerusalem and points beyond. On this exotic desert road connecting the Orient with the Roman Empire, the precious commodities of frankincense and myrrh were transported over vast distances to satisfy the insatiable Roman appetite for

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Potential to Halt Aggressive Melanoma

 In a landmark discovery, researchers at Tel Aviv University (TAU) have unraveled the metastatic mechanism of melanoma—the most aggressive and lethal type of skin cancer. Melanoma causes the death of one person every 52 minutes and despite a range of therapies developed over the years, there is still no full remedy for this life-threatening disease.

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Popeye Was Right: There’s Energy in Spinach!

Using a simple membrane extract from spinach leaves, researchers from the Technion have developed a bio-photo-electro-chemical (BPEC) cell that produces electricity and hydrogen from water using sunlight. The raw material of the device is water, and its products are electric current, hydrogen and oxygen. The unique combination of a man-made BPEC cell and plant membranes

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Revolutionizing Prosthetic Devices

Ill-fitting joint sockets, contact dermatitis and sebaceous cysts are just a few of the problems plaguing prosthetic patients. They result from pressure that prosthetic devices place on the soft tissue of their bodies. Researchers at Tel Aviv University (TAU), FOM Institute AMOLF and Leiden University have developed a new approach to manufacturing mechanical “metamaterials”—synthetic composite

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The Lie of Occupation

In May of 2015, South Carolina became the first state in America to adopt modernized legislation regulating against the problem of commercial discrimination and boycotts of Israel. The bill passed unanimously, and was the result of nearly two years of legal research, policy development and educational resourcing by the Israel Allies Foundation (IAF) and its

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BDS–Changing the Narrative

April 1, 1933 is one of those dates that is permanently etched in the memory of the Jewish people. It was on that date that the Nazis carried out their first nationwide planned action against the Jews in Germany. That action was to boycott Jewish businesses. Nazi spokespersons were clear this was an act of

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The Deborah Force— Women Warriors of the IDF

In Judges 4 we read the account of the mighty Canaanite army led by King Jabin of Hazor, swarming over the Valley of Jezreel, determined to purge the Israelites from the Land once and for all. The meager band of Israelite fighters were no match for Jabin’s 100,000 troops and 900 lethal iron chariots, and

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Sha’ar Hallel—A Gate of Praise

It is said to be the most painful experience that a parent will ever have to endure—the death of a child. On June 29, 2016—the beginning of the summer school holidays in Israel—Hallel Yaffa Ariel HYʺD (may HaShem avenge her blood) was sleeping in late. Young Ariel’s hometown, Kiryat Arba, is a stone’s throw away

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