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From French to Hebrew: Returning Home

Dispatch from Jerusalem

31 Countries Adopt New Definition of Anti-Semitism

Thirty one countries voted to adopt a new working definition of anti-Semitism, a move hailed by human rights activists as an important milestone in countering hatred. The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance [IHRA]—an intergovernmental group comprised of 31 nations—adopted a definition based on the 2005 European Monitoring Centre (EUMC) Working Definition, which describes anti-Semitism as “a

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Explore Jerusalem with the President

In honor of Jerusalem Day Jerusalem culture center Beit Avi Chai released an application that will enable one to follow guided walks of Jerusalem, arranged by different subjects. One can choose to follow the pursuit of the fictional Tamar from Someone to Run With through the alleys of Nahalat Shiva, listen to Ehud Banai’s songs

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Dates—a Tasty Treat

Dates are native to Israel and are mentioned throughout the Bible. Dates are one of the seven species referred in Deuteronomy 8:8 “a land of wheat, barley, vines, figs, pomegranates, a land of olive oil and honey” (date palm honey). In Israel, date palm plantations are located in the Jordan Valley and Arava. They are

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The World’s Plan for Israel

Global leaders are coming into agreement with a French proposal to revive peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians. The proposal is based on the adoption of a 10-point initiative, authored by Saudi Arabia in 2002, which calls “for an Israeli withdrawal from all of the West Bank [Judea and Samaria], Gaza Strip and east

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Coral on a Chip Cracks Coral Mysteries

We know that human-induced environmental changes are responsible for coral bleaching, disease, and infertility. Loss of the world’s stony coral reefs—up to 30% in the next 30 years, according to some estimates—will mean loss of their services, including sequestering some 70-90 million tons of carbon each year and supporting enormous marine biodiversity. Yet despite many

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BRIXO Brings Building Blocks to Life

Legos and kids go together like peanut butter and jelly. But while the favorite spreads haven’t changed all that much over time, the building blocks children play with in the 21st century certainly have. Enter BRIXO, an Israeli startup developing electric blocks that bring high-tech functionality to low-tech toys. With BRIXO, kids can create simple

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A New Gauze that Stops Bleeding in Minutes

The cloud of war constantly hanging over Israel has one shiny silver lining: groundbreaking advances in wound care developed for the battlefield and then shared with the rest of humanity. Now another novel product has been designed originally with soldiers in mind but with a much broader potential: WoundClot gauze, a flexible and easy-to-handle material

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Repent the Day Before You Die!

God is yearning for human beings, created in His image, to repent of their evil ways and turn to Him. The Bible outlines His perfect plan for mankind. Throughout the centuries men have continually rebelled against their Creator. Patiently, God repeatedly calls them back to Himself. He promises the restoration of our land if we

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Warming Up: Regional Tensions Thawing the Cold Israel–Egypt Peace

Ever since the days of the patriarch Abraham thousands of years ago, Israel and Egypt have had a complicated relationship. At times, they have been deadly enemies—at times they have been allies. And in the last three dozen years, they have been at peace. It is sometimes called a “cold peace”—but recently there have been

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Sarcophagi Covers Seized in Old City

Two covers of ancient Egyptian sarcophagi were recently seized by inspectors of the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) Unit for the Prevention of Antiquities Robbery, while checking shops in the market place of Jerusalem’s Old City. The sarcophagi covers are made of wood and coated with a layer of plaster and are ornamented with decorations and

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