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Hope in Difficult Times

Dispatch from Jerusalem

Breathtaking Mosaic

February 10, 2016

The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) revealed for the first time another hidden treasure located in the city of Lod: a breathtaking Roman-era mosaic dating back nearly 2,000 years. The archaeological find was uncovered by chance during the construction of the visitor center for the famous “Lod Mosaic,” believed to have served as the living room

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Fortress of Antiochus Ephiphanes

February 10, 2016

 Some years back, the ruler of a superpower set up headquarters in Jerusalem. Near the Temple courts he constructed a massive fortress. From its ramparts, he held Jewish rebels at bay, launching spears and slinging metal slugs emblazoned with symbols and inscriptions representing favorite deities. Determined to convert the Jews, and if not to squash

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To Do the Will of Our Father in Heaven: Toward a Partnership between Jews and Christians

February 10, 2016

    For the past 50 years we have been building bridges between the Christian and Jewish worlds. Others in the Christian world have been reaching out with hands of friendship and respect. Today, we are embarking on a new era as many in the Jewish world are now seeking to forge respectful, sincere relationships

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God’s Greatest End Time Sign

February 10, 2016

Many have been looking for a sign from God. We look in the biblical calendar and find out about the shmitah and Jubilee years. We gaze at the heavens and see blood moons and solar eclipses. We watch Russian actions in Syria; we shudder as we observe the nations turning against Israel. But, His greatest

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Tourists Undeterred

As the tales of nearly daily terror attacks on Israeli civilians and security personnel continue to demand media attention across the globe, international tourists remain undeterred in their desire to visit the Land of Promise. In fact, according to statistics released by the Central Bureau of Statistics, October 2015 proved a record-breaking month as far

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Epic Mountain Bike Race

With no cancellations and an increase of 250 riders from last year’s race, close to 1,000 riders, including 58 professional international riders from abroad, participated in the three-day event that journeys through biblical landscapes and breathtaking views. Epic Israel is designed for mountain bikers who love the hours on the saddle, the spectacular views of

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Solving the Global Water Crisis

Experts, it seems, are unanimous that the world is facing one of its worst water crises in decades. With California, Brazil, North Korea, Puerto Rico, South Africa and India suffering in the grips of the most devastating drought in recent history, water shortages could soon result in teetering governmental systems, displaced populations and ultimately, political

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Apples Fresh from the Oven

During the cold, rainy months of winter in Israel, a warm and sweet dessert is quite appealing. The recipe this month features a baked apple dish that is sure to please. Apples were carried over trade routes in the Middle East centuries ago, and are now a common fruit in many countries today. Israeli apple orchards

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The War between Good and Evil

Frederic Legrand-Comeo/shutterstock.com “We are facing a third world war against humanity and this is what brings us all together. This is a war, as I’ve said repeatedly, within Islam.” [Groups such as IS] expose themselves daily as savage outlaws of religion, devoid of humanity, respecting no laws and no boundaries…It’s clearly a fight between good

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Hiking the “Salad Trail”

Recently, our Bridges for Peace family of volunteers spent two fun-filled days exploring a bit of southern Israel. “The Salad Trail,” one of the sites on our itinerary immediately grabbed my attention. I love to hike but adding the word “salad” to the mix left me pondering just what type of trail this might be?

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