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From French to Hebrew: Returning Home

Dispatch from Jerusalem

Medicine: Your Multifocal Glasses Are All Set for a Revolution

Wearers of multifocals (“progressive” eyeglasses) must look through the top of the lenses for distance, through the middle for intermediate distance and through the bottom for close reading. Many people find it hard to adjust to the limited field of view per distance and even get headaches from the distortions. If your progressive glasses could

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Your Multifocal Glasses Are All Set for a Revolution

Wearers of multifocals (“progressive” eyeglasses) must look through the top of the lenses for distance, through the middle for intermediate distance and through the bottom for close reading. Many people find it hard to adjust to the limited field of view per distance and even get headaches from the distortions. If your progressive glasses could

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Israeli Sea Power

Matan Portnoy/IDF Spokesperson Unit Because Israel is a nation surrounded by foes, it relies heavily on the strength of its military, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). The olive green fatigues worn by the ground forces are probably the first thing you think about when you hear the term IDF. Although perhaps less visible than its

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The UN and Israel, a Record of Systematic Abuse

It is no secret that the United Nations seems to harbor an irrational dislike for the nation of Israel. Since the inception of the State in 1948, no other international body has vilified the Jewish nation as vehemently, or as often, as the UN. And therein lies the irony. Were it not for that august

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Russia on the Move

Israel has a new neighbor. Fully awakened from its Cold War hibernation, Russia is on the move. It is huge, hungry, charismatic and dangerous. Suddenly, and without firing a single shot, it has formed a coalition with Iran and, apparently, China to replace US and European superpower leadership in the Middle East. It is a

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A Stunning Mosaic Appears

A 1500-year-old mosaic, depicting a map with streets and buildings, was discovered in Kiryat Gat by the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA). Buildings shown on the mosaic floors are a rare phenomenon in Israel. These are arranged along a main colonnaded street of a city, in a sort of ancient map. A Greek inscription indicates that

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Maccabean Mausoleum in Modi’in?

The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA), together with local residents, has been conducting an unusual archaeological excavation in search of the real location of the Tomb of the Maccabees (Tomb). The Maccabees, from the ancient city of Modi’in, led the uprising against Greek rule and were responsible for cleansing the impurity from the Second Temple. The

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Ancient Podium in the City of David

An intriguing find consisting of an impressive pyramid-shaped staircase constructed of large ashlar stones was uncovered in an archaeological excavation currently conducted by the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA). The excavation is located in the City of David, site of ancient Jerusalem. This structure, situated alongside the 2,000-year-old Second Temple stepped street, carried pilgrims on their

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ISIS: “We’ve Smuggled 1,000s into Europe”

As Europe staggers under the influx of the largest refugee crisis since World War II, affected countries might soon face a threat far more serious than a migrant question. According to an unnamed Syrian operative, more than 4,000 clandestine Islamic State (ISIS) fighters have infiltrated Europe under the guise of asylum seekers. These jihadists, the

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IDF’s Strategy for Defending Israel

The navy, airforce and infantry work in cooperation to protect Israel. IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Gadi Eizenkot has released a document highlighting the changing threats facing Israel and the IDF’s evolving approaches in dealing with them. Entitled “IDF Strategy,” the 30-page document offers the public its first glimpse into the IDF’s defense doctrine

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