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From French to Hebrew: Returning Home

Dispatch from Jerusalem

Celebrating 50 Years

Bridges CEO Rebecca Brimmer and Board Chair Jess Gibson present Magen David Adom with the keys to a new ambulance. Photo by Abigail Wood/bridgesforpeace.com This year Bridges for Peace has been celebrating 50 years since our founder, Dr. G. Douglas Young, moved to Israel and established a foundation of blessing Israel! We received our ministry

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Israel’s Treatment of Palestinian Workers

A positive article in the Palestinian Authority’s official daily [newspaper] lauded Israel and Israeli employers of Palestinians for their positive employment ethics towards their Palestinian workers. The article explains that Palestinian workers get their full rights when employed by Israelis directly and that the only time they do not get their full rights is when

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Christian Priest to UN: Stop the Witch Hunt against Israel

Father Gabriel Naddaf While Middle East Muslim leaders were gathered at UN Headquarters in New York to lambast Israel, a local Christian cleric was addressing a different UN forum—the Human Rights Committee in Geneva—to set the record straight on freedom for minorities in the Jewish state. “Every five minutes, a Christian is killed in the

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Only 20 Years Old, She Has Foiled Two Terrorist Infiltrations

The IDF Field Intelligence Corps is responsible for monitoring Israel’s most sensitive borders. Hundreds of observers scan video monitors around the clock, searching for the smallest details. Corporal Lihi Meir They are the eyes of the nation, ensuring the safety of Israel’s civilians daily. Corporal Lihi Meir is one of the soldiers responsible for Gaza’s

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Who Is Responsible for the Violence in Jerusalem?

“We are witnessing a very serious escalation in Jerusalem. [It] is on the verge of becoming an intifada.” —Science and Technology Minister (Yesh Atid), Yaakov Perry, formerly the head of the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) Nir Barkat, Jerusalem Mayor Photo by Chatham House/Wikipedia.org “We must restore peace and security in Jerusalem—as I have said

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Kugel Anyone?

Photo by pixshots/Shutterstock.com What is a kugel (pronounced: koo guhl)? Basically a kugel is the Israeli version of a casserole often served on Shabbat. Traditionally kugels were made with egg noodles or potatoes. Vegetables can be transformed the European way by making them into a tasty kugel. There are even sweet kugels made with fruit

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The Siddur—an Inner Understanding of the Jewish People

 Bridges for Peace is committed to building sincere, respectful relationships between Christians and Jews in Israel and around the world. We are often privileged to partner in such efforts with the Center for Jewish–Christian Understanding and Cooperation under the direction of David Nekrutman. We thank David for the following article, written to help Christians better

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Israel and the Fight against Ebola

jaddingt/Shutterstock.com Ebola—the word alone is enough to strike fear in hearts. Journalists cover in detail every person in the West who has contracted the deadly virus, which kills 50% of all who are infected. The World Health Organization (WHO), leaders of nations, and the UN are all holding emergency meetings to forge a plan to

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Anti-Semitism—an Attitude of Hatred

A recent article in a well-known internet news magazine challenged the idea that anti-Semitism is on the rise worldwide, giving a clear glimpse into growing attempts to discredit the Jewish people. Quoting statistics from a variety of sources, the article erroneously claimed that anti-Semitic incidents are actually decreasing globally. In fact, the article asserted, the

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Off the Beaten Track; Exciting Ways to Explore Israel

Photo by ChameleonsEye/Shutterstock Each year visitors to Israel are a significant part of the landscape. The majority arrive as part of a packaged tour, spending much of their time traveling by bus from site to site. For the first-time visitor, this is the best introduction to Israel’s biblical and historical locations. However, once you’ve floated

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