Israel Threatened by Palestinian Unity It was one of the most dangerous handshakes in modern history. Normally, handshakes are identified with peace. World leaders at peace conferences symbolically bridge their differences by pressing flesh. But the agreement that reunited the Palestinian factions of Hamas and Fatah was anything but peaceful. It is an unholy union
Continue Reading »An 800-year-old lead seal stamped by the monastery of St. Sabas was found in archaeological excavations carried out by the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) in Jerusalem. The artifacts discovered during the excavations reflected daily life in the farmstead. Surprisingly, while processing the excavation finds, a rare lead seal dating to the Crusader period came to
Continue Reading »An ancient coffin containing a skeleton was revealed in the Jezreel Valley near Tel Shadud. Following the discovery, the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) conducted a salvage excavation. It was determined by archaeologists from the IAA that the coffin, which contained personal belongings of an obviously wealthy Canaanite who was possibly an official of the Egyptian
Continue Reading »Photo credit: Ashernet and Israel Antiquities Authority The remnants of a rural settlement that was occupied for approximately two centuries during the Second Temple Period were uncovered near the “Burma Road” [by-pass road to Jerusalem in 1948]. The excavations, which covered about 750 square meters [8,073 sq ft], revealed a small settlement with a few
Continue Reading »A cartoon in the official PA [Palestinian Authority] daily presents the reconciliation and unity between Fatah and Hamas as a means to destroy Israelis/Jews. Photo credit: Israel is depicted as the head of a snake or worm, wearing a Jewish skull cap with a Star of David on it. The head may be intended
Continue Reading »The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has voiced concern at the growing success of extremist parties, including neo-Nazi parties, in the European Parliament elections. The “alarming” results came on the heels of the deadly attack at the Brussels Jewish Museum, in which four people were killed by an unidentified gunman in an attack authorities have described as
Continue Reading » Fatah Central Committee member Tawfiq Tirawi: “A national enterprise cannot succeed without the National Liberation Movement, Fatah. We in this movement have not cast down the rifle and have not let go of the rifle. The rifle is here! The method of struggle we are adopting now (i.e., negotiations) is [only] one of the
Continue Reading »On Syria “…My friends, I’ve come here to draw a clear line. “You know that I like to draw lines, especially red ones. But the line I want to draw today is the line between life and death, between right and wrong, between the blessings of a brilliant future and the curses of a dark
Continue Reading »The Knesset, in cooperation with Google, launched a virtual, three-dimensional tour of the Israeli parliament building with Google’s “Street View” feature. The Knesset is now a part of a select group of parliaments and government buildings—including the White House, 10 Downing Street and the Canadian parliament—which people can visit with a click of the mouse.
Continue Reading »Nof Atamna-Ismaeel, an Arab woman with a PhD in marine microbiology, has won Israel’s highest honor for an amateur chef—the title of Master Chef. “The moment they announced it, I couldn’t contain my joy…it means I’ll be able to fulfill my dream.” That dream, says Atamna-Ismaeel, is to open an Arab-Jewish cooking school in her
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