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From French to Hebrew: Returning Home

Dispatch from Jerusalem

Crisis Over Identity

The Recognition of Israel as a Jewish State It was called the “most significant obstacle” left to reaching a peace agreement with the Palestinians. Furthermore, it wasn’t just anyone who made that statement. It was the Israeli with the most “say” in the matter today: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Just what is this “most significant

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Breathtaking Mosaic Revealed

An impressive monastery dating to the Byzantine Period was discovered at Hura, in the northern Negev during a salvage excavation by the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA). Archaeologists revealed a structure [with] “breathtaking mosaic carpets.” The prayer hall is paved with a mosaic on which a pattern of leaves is vibrantly portrayed in blue, red, yellow

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2,000-year-old Ossuaries Recovered

A number of suspects were caught while in possession of eleven decorated stone ossuaries—ancient coffins—that the Jewish population used for burial in the Second Temple Period, two thousand years ago. Some of the ossuaries still contained the skeletal remains of the deceased. Stone ossuaries were used for secondary burial during this period. The ossuaries are

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Past Glory of Caesarea

As each year passes, archaeological activity in and around the historical Roman city of Caesarea brings to life one of the great maritime cities of the ancient world. One such historical relic is the 2,000 year-old public fountain—the nymphaeum. This has been partially covered until now, but the Caesarea Development Corporation in cooperation with the

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Byzantine Well Discovered In Tel Aviv

It is unusual to find important archaeological remains today in Tel Aviv. However a Byzantine Period well, some 1,500 years old, was discovered when preparatory building work was started at a site in the Ramat Ha'Hayal neighborhood of the city last month. The well is a rare example of the “antilla” type of well. An

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Anti-Semitic Parties on the Rise in Europe

Anti-Israel march in LondonJacqueline Abromeit/shutterstock.com The rise of far-right politics in Europe reached new heights in the April 7th elections in Hungary when “Jobbik,” the self-professed “radical right-wing” political party which has often been accused of blatant anti-Semitism, won 20.54% of votes, making it the third largest party in the country and the single largest

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Inside Iran Arms Ship: 40 Missiles, 400,000 Bullets

GranDuc/shutterstock.com The Iranian arms ship that was captured by the Israel Navy in March was unloaded in Eilat, and revealed 40 M-302 long-range missiles, as well as 181 22-millimeter mortar shells and 400,000 7.62 bullets. The ship was brought to Israeli territory after [the] elite Navy unit Sheyetet raided it some 1,500 kilometers [932 mi]

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Moldova—Russia’s Next Step?

Could Trans-Dniester follow in the footsteps of Crimea?www.wikipedia.org/Serhio Recently the world watched as Crimea broke away from the Ukraine and was formally annexed to Russia. Nations gave lip service to the defense of Ukraine’s sovereignty over the territory but when it came down to it, Russian actions trumped Western rhetoric. Was this a unique case

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Palestinians Sign Contract for Israeli Gas

Palestine Power Generating Company has become the first company to sign a contract with the Leviathan Gas Field. The agreement will supply the Palestinian energy company with [US] $1.2 billion worth of natural gas in order to generate electricity from a power station that it will establish next to Jenin. The gas reservoir west of

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Winter Warmth for Syrian Refugees

Syrian boy and his grandmother in a refugee camp When thousands of Syrian refugees receive cartons packed with warm blankets, clothes and sleeping bags, they might well be surprised to learn that the winter gear was collected by dozens of Israeli students and IDF [Israel Defense Forces] employees at an army base in northern Israel.

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