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From French to Hebrew: Returning Home

Expository Bible Studies

In the Cleft of the Rock

  “The LORD lives! Blessed be my Rock! Let the God of my salvation be exalted.”  Psalm 18:46 The wilderness of the Negev is one of the most stunning landscapes on the face of the earth. The desert consists of rocky escarpments of limestone, giant boulders, and old riverbeds gouged by the pounding of flash floods

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The Power of Encouragement

When you think about superpowers you might think of a science fiction movie, cartoon character or fictional superhero. The last thing you might think of is a Bible-believing Christian. The Word of the Lord is filled with power and we have been given authority, through the Holy Spirit, to move and work in the power

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Think on These Things

Recently when paging through a favorite magazine, I was intrigued by an article entitled, “The Information Age is Dead.” A few pages later, another headline seemed to shout, “Welcome to the Age of Experience.” Days later, another article crossed my desk which examined the difficulties today’s young people are facing because we are living in

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Our Father

Repeatedly Jesus/Yeshua used the term “Father” to refer to God Almighty. According to Eric von Atzigen, “Jesus traveled and taught for three years. There are about 110 pages in the Bible dedicated to His ministry and message. We have approximately 25,000 words that Jesus spoke recorded in the Bible. Of those 25,000 words, Jesus taught

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Moses’ Final Blessing, The “Lost” Chapters of Deuteronomy

Several years ago I had the privilege of writing a book for Bridges for Peace attempting to introduce Christian readers to the daily and weekly reading of the Torah (Gen.–Deut.), supported by a daily Christian devotion. That book is titled Sinai Speaks, and it is available through Bridges for Peace offices around the world. In

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Unlocking the Power of Psalm 103

Psalm 103—a Psalm of David 1Bless the LORD, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name! 2Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: 3Who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases, 4Who redeems your life from destruction, who crowns you with lovingkindness and

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The Approval of God

Men and women of faith have always yearned for the approval of God. We try to gain His approval through righteous acts, piety and religious expression. We build beautiful buildings in His honor. Our spiritual leaders speak eloquent messages teaching us the way to God. Many try to become perfect. Others recognizing their inability to

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Under the Shadow of His Wings

Did you have a positive childhood experience that continues to impact your life? When I was a tender, impressionable eight-year-old boy, my parents worked at a college. A graduate student in biology took an interest in me and my twin brother. He would often take us out in the springtime to check bird nests and

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Wisdom Is As Wisdom Does

Wisdom. It seems to be one of the most sought after and yet elusive characteristics to captivate the attention of mankind throughout our history. Poets, philosophers, teachers, preachers and politicians have discussed it at length, many claiming to have it themselves while being quick to point out that the rest of us don’t. Sophocles reminded

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In the Desert

Do you ever feel like you are in a desert? Deserts and wilderness places are inhospitable. Water is scarce and without water, nothing can live. Perhaps you have been in a situation that seemed overwhelming. Yet, it is at these times that God often speaks. It was in the desert near Horeb that Moses met

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