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From French to Hebrew: Returning Home

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A Year of Extraordinary Anniversaries

“In Israel, to be a realist you must believe in miracles,” David Ben-Gurion said. The nation’s first prime minister was right—Israel is no ordinary country. Yet, even in a land where biblical prophecies are being fulfilled, 2017 was extraordinary. This year, Israel celebrated a group of milestone anniversaries that marked significant beacons in the nation’s

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Let’s Be Friends

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a strong leader and skilled politician who has navigated Israel through some very rough waters. However, of late he is revealing a new skill, one he has often been accused of lacking in the past—that of diplomat. While the historic Africa–Israel summit has been postponed for the time being,

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A Day in the Life of a Millennial

When I came to Israel for the first time in 2012 as a tourist, I utterly loved it. In 2013, I began living here in Jerusalem off and on. However, from the moment I experienced Jerusalem beyond the veil of tourism, my love for her began to mature. Today, even though I’m not a citizen,

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Israel Will Endure

Recognizing the Jewish State “We expect everyone who talks about a peace process to recognize the State of Israel and, of course, to recognize a Jewish state. We are not prepared to accept bogus reconciliations in which the Palestinian side apparently reconciles at the expense of our existence. Whoever wants to make such a reconciliation,

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The Path to Peace—What’s Next?

On September 13, 1993, a joint Israeli–Palestinian Declaration of Principles based on an agreement worked out in Oslo, was signed by their chief negotiators. The agreement was to be a framework for ongoing negotiations that would eventually bring the Israeli–Palestinian conflict to a peaceful resolution. Since then, history records a plethora of conferences, meetings, discussions

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The Arabs Who Stand with Israel

When terror strikes, international leaders and world bodies are known to come alongside the city, nation or people torn apart by hate-driven violence. For the victims, they pledge sympathy and solidarity; for the perpetrators, scorn and fury. The Temple Mount terror attack on Friday morning, 14 July, was no different. As the people of Israel

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Fatherhood, Israeli Style

Ever since I set foot in the beautiful city of Jerusalem, I have been absolutely fascinated by the variance of fatherhood in Israeli culture versus the western norm. From the very beginning I watched fathers in their daily routine and their diverse roles intrigued me greatly. Israeli fathers seemed somehow different to me than any

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Outplaying Hitler: The Creation of the Palestine Symphony Orchestra

As anti-Semitism cast a dark shadow over Europe in the 1930s, a Polish Jew named Bronislaw Huberman chose to fight it with the only weapon he had—his music. Finding Sanctuary In Germany, Hitler had begun to crack down on the Jewish population, banning them from employment in German companies. Even cultural institutions were not exempt—in

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Setting the Captives Free

Jewish people settled in the land of Egypt for millennia, ever since Abram, the patriarch, “…went down to Egypt to dwell there, for the famine was severe in the land” (Gen. 12:10). Throughout the centuries, Egypt seemed to provide a good escape from the troubles that periodically descended upon Israel and a number of biblical

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Malicious Opportunity, Iran Using Syrian War to Expand Empire

Iran and Syria have long been allies in the fight against Israel and the West, with Iran generally the more powerful benefactor in the relationship. But the civil war in Syria—and Iran’s military involvement there—has given Iran the opportunity to not just help their ally, but to use them as a testing ground for a

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