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Hope in Difficult Times

Good News

Ugandan Pastor Receives Emergency Medical Care

April 16, 2012

{image_1}Umar Mulinde, a 38-year-old evangelical pastor from Uganda who began preaching support for Israel, arrived in Israel on January 5th for emergency medical treatment following an acid attack that severely burned his face, torso, and damaged his right eye. Pastor Mulinde, [who] converted to Christianity after spending much of his life as a Muslim, was attacked with acid on Christmas Eve in Kampala. The assailants shouted “Allah Akhbar” (God is great) immediately following the attack.

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Arab IDF Soldier: Proud to Serve My Country

{image_1}Can a person be both Arab and Zionist? Ask Shirin Shlian, a 20-year-old IDF [Israel Defense Forces] soldier from one of the Galilee's Arab villages, whose job in the Israeli army is to encourage high school students to enlist and join combat units. Her brother is [also] a major in a combat unit and another brother served in the Border Guard.

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2,000 People’s Eyesight Restored

{image_1}Israeli doctors have recently restored the eyesight of more than 2,000 people in seven countries: Nepal, Myanmar, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Cambodia, the Maldives, and Ethiopia. The surgical operations were performed in special camps set up by MASHAV (Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation, under the Foreign Ministry). All surgeons were Israeli ophthalmologists.

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A Young Adult’s Glimpse into the Heart of God

{image_1}Standing upon the Naphtali Ridge in Israel and gazing into the Hula Valley, dozens of young adults find themselves catching their breath with smiles upon their faces. Their thoughts recall the roaring of quad bikes tearing down windy trails of mud and passing olive groves. Finally, ascending the steep cliff to the loud acceleration of engines brings the convoy of bikes to a spectacular view. However, what inspired them to come to Israel in the first place is another thing, which is the desire to discover the heart of God and His zeal for Zion.

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Growing Forests in the Desert

{image_1} Leave it to Israeli scientists to figure out a way of growing trees in the barren sands of the Aravah Desert. The trees aren't just meant to look pretty. This pollution-reducing forest planted over the summer is soaking up harmful excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and releasing beneficial oxygen. Another “green” bonus is that the trees are nurtured with recycled sewage water and saltwater. The project is a research collaboration between Tel Aviv University's Porter School of Environmental Science, the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and the University of Tuscia in Viterbo, Italy.

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Ethiopian Orphan Saved by Israeli Doctors Returns

{image_1} Yared Worde from Ethiopia visited Israel in November to see for himself the hospital where his life was saved after major heart surgery in 1999. Yared, now 27 years old, was an orphan who lived on the streets of Addis Abba scrounging for food and a basic existence. When he was 12, he was diagnosed as having rheumatic heart disease and was referred to the Save a Child's Heart (SACH) program at the Wolfson Medical Center in Holon.

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Israeli Scientist Wins Nobel Prize

{image_1}Israeli scientist Daniel Shechtman has won the Nobel Prize in chemistry for his controversial discovery of non-repeating patterns in atoms called quasicrystals.
He is the third Israeli to win the award in chemistry, and the 10th Israeli to win a prestigious Nobel Prize in the country's 63-year history.

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Israel on Google Street View

{image_1}Google today announced [in September] that it will begin imagery collection in Israel for the “Street View” feature in its Google Maps. Google cars and trikes were to begin driving and taking photographs of streets and locations around Israel. “Street View” is a popular free feature of Google Maps. It allows users to explore virtually and navigate neighborhoods and historical and cultural sites through panoramic street-level images

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Rain Fosters Unique Cooperation

{image_1}The first rain of the fall swept Israel [in late September] and led to some flooding, particularly in desert areas. That flooding fostered unique cooperation between the IDF [Israel Defense Force] and Palestinian fire and rescue services. Nahal Tirza in the Jordan Valley overflowed its banks due to the rain and caused flooding and heavy erosion.

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Jerusalem Invests Millions in Arab Schools

{image_1}With new classrooms and technology tools, Mayor Nir Barkat has declared an education revolution in the eastern sector of the capital city. When the 2011–2012 school year began in the Arab neighborhoods of east Jerusalem, millions of shekels in sparkling new or renewed classrooms, computers, and sports facilities greeted 42,153 students and their teachers.

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