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Hope in Difficult Times

Good News

Israel Sends Earthquake Aid to China

{image_1} An Israeli cargo plane  carrying about 90 tons (81 metric tons) of medicines and medical equipment, water purification kits, generators, tents, sleeping bags, and clothing intended for the earthquake survivors departed for the Chinese city of Chengdu late in May. The humanitarian aid was on its way to survivors of the 7.9 earthquake that struck the Sichuan province in southwestern China on May 12, killing 69,130 and leaving 4.8 million homeless.

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Israel Chooses National Bird

{image_1} The hoopoe or Duchifat (in Hebrew) has been named Israel’s national bird after winning a majority vote by a landslide. President Shimon Peres made the announcement at a ceremony on May 29 to coincide with Israel’s 60th anniversary celebrations.

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Coexistence Through Medicine

{image_1} Palestinian Bedouin Nadia Aieed, 32, was bitten by a very poisonous saw-scaled viper. Her mother’s screams caught the attention of some Israeli farmers working nearby, who rushed her to a clinic. Within minutes, an Israel Defense Forces ambulance arrived with two paramedic soldiers dressed in military uniform, but the Palestinian women were desperate and gave it no thought. They just needed help—fast!

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Shekel Goes International

{image_1} The Israeli shekel joined the foreign exchange market’s CLS [Continuous Linked Settlement] Bank global settlement system on May 26, making it available for international payment instructions.

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Superman is Jewish!

{image_1}A unique exhibit in the Netherlands shows that cartoons may have educational value by using Superman to teach Jewish history. Keying in on comic art by Jewish artists, the “Superheroes and Schlemiels (habitual bunglers): Jewish Memory in Comic Strip Art” exhibit, coproduced by the Jewish History Museum in the Netherlands and the Museum of Jewish Art and History in Paris, added a whole dimension to youthful entertainment.

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Golf Coming to Mount Arbel

{image_1} Israel will soon have a five-star luxury golf course resort on Mount Arbel [overlooking the Sea of Galilee near Tiberius]. Developer Joseph Bernstein first got the idea to open a luxury golf course in Israel when he realized that Israel is a prime market because there are nine months of great weather. It has taken 15 years, but the dream is about to become a reality. The Israel Land Authority has given the final agreement necessary and now construction can begin.

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Valley of Elah – Park Opens

{image_1} The Valley of Elah, the site of the biblical epic battle between David and Goliath is the site of a new park with some very old features. Situated between modern-day Tel Aviv and Jerusalem in a picturesque valley, visitors in the spring are greeted by a carpet of red anemones and multicolored lupins. Vineyards and viticulture are one of the main valley industries, adding to the beauty. Tour groups often stop to imagine the battle between David and Goliath and to visit the hand-carved underground city of Beit Guvrin, which dates back at least 3,000 years.

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Electric Car Planned for Israel

{image_1}The Israeli government is teaming up with Renault-Nissan and Project Better Place to set up the first mass marketing of electric vehicles that run on 100% electricity. The cars will be available for customers in 2011 in Israel, with other market countries intended as well.

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Israeli Researchers Make Top 50

{image_1}Three Israeli researchers from Tel Aviv University have been named on the Scientific American list of 50 top leaders in the field of research, policymaking, and business.

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Israeli Cowboys in America

{image_1}A group of six Israeli cowboys will soon depart on a unique journey across the United States aimed at marking Israel’s 60th anniversary and raising awareness to the historic date in the American media. The six travellers will be riding on Israeli born-and-raised horses and carry Israeli flags with them. They plan to cross the country from north to south, possibly taking the Continental Divide National Trail, leading from the Canadian border to the Mexican one through the Rocky Mountains. On the way, they will stop over in Jewish and Christian Zionist communities.

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