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Hope in Difficult Times

Good News

The Bridge of Strings—Jerusalem’s New Gateway

{image_1}Construction on the Bridge of Strings at the entrance to Jerusalem is expected to take another seven months. The NIS 135 million [US $36.5 million] bridge, designed by Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava, will be built on concrete supports covered in Jerusalem stone, above which will hang a steel and glass structure.

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Remembering Miracles

{image_1}“In Israel, in order to be a realist, you must believe in miracles.”

David Ben Gurion

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Maccabi Tel Aviv Enters Hall of Fame

{image_1}Israel’s championship winning basketball team Maccabi Tel Aviv is to be honored at the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in the US, as part of celebrations for Israel’s 60th anniversary in May, according to Ynet News. The team, which won championships in Israel and Europe (including the Champions Cup on five occasions), will be the first Israeli team to be presented in an exhibition at the Hall of Fame in Springfield, Massachusetts.

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Israel Wins Big in Special Olympics

{image_1}Thirty-nine Israeli Special Olympic athletes brought home 36 medals (10 gold, 16 silver, and 10 bronze) from the International Special Olympics World Summer Games in Shanghai, China, in October, 2007. Israel was one of 165 participating countries, and out of 25 possible sports, the team took part in eight events: bowling, cycling, judo, soccer, swimming, tennis, table tennis, and track and field. Jewish pride and support for the team was exemplified by the Chinese Jews of Shanghai, who raised US $20,000 for them and supplied each athlete with a uniform and sneakers.

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“Agro-Housing” A Residential Greenhouse

{image_1}The massive upsurge of people toward the cities creates severe humanitarian problems, as well as environmental issues. Severe overcrowding makes it difficult to provide suitable sanitation and places a strain on energy resources. The movement of workers toward city centers increases air pollution and disrupts the quality of life and health of the residents.

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Bridges for Peace Named a “Shining Light”

{image_1}MinistryWatch.com has named Bridges for Peace one of 30 “Shining Light” Christian ministries for 2007. MinistryWatch.com compiles an annual list of 30 ministries—from nearly 500 ministries—which demonstrated outstanding effectiveness and efficiency in their ministry and financial operations.

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Crane Visits Increase 30%

{image_1}Cranes have become familiar guests at Hula Lake. During Israel’s autumn and winter months (October to March), there is an average of 10,000–30,000 cranes at the lake every day. Recently, a new daily record was set at Hula Lake—41,600 cranes in one day, as compared to last year’s record of 32,000, a 30% increase! They migrate from Europe to Africa and back, passing through the Hula on their way. Their habitat is primarily swamp areas and quicksand.

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Remembering the Courage of the Light Horse Brigade

{image_1}The 90th anniversary of the lightning strike of the Light Horse Brigade was commemorated in Beersheva with a realistic reenactment of the last-ditch, seemingly near-suicidal charge by Australian and New Zealand horsemen against the Turks on October 31, 1917. It was a turning point in World War I and helped pave the way for the creation of the State of Israel. Nearly 1,000 Australians, New Zealanders, Israelis, Britons, and others gathered to remember the heroic battle that led to the liberation of Beersheba and was a vital key in opening the gateway to the ancient city of Jerusalem. On the same day as the Beersheva charge, the British Government drafted the Balfour Declaration, which was the foundation for the recognition of the State of Israel.

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Leggy Beauty

{image_1}Denise the giraffe and her new baby are wowing the crowds at the Ramat Gan Safari Park in Israel. Denise, now seventeen years old, gave birth to her tenth calf, following a fifteen-month pregnancy. Mother and child are left to their own devices in a small, covered enclosure. Safari’s veterinary staff says, from their observation, the new calf looks very well. After all, Denise has had a lot of previous experience with her previous offspring! In fact, it is likely that Denise will break the world record for giraffe births in captivity. The previous record was 10 calves before age 20.

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Dead Sea “Saves” Boy

{image_1}Religious and secular rescue workers reportedly danced on the beach of the Dead Sea in the early hours of an August morning to express their thanks to God after a Jewish boy feared drowned was found safe and sound. According to a report on Israel National News, Schneur Zalman Friedman, 8, had gone missing after taking a dip with members of his orthodox family the afternoon before.

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