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From French to Hebrew: Returning Home

Good News

First Aid Olympics

{image_1} When Magen David Adom (MDA) hosted an Olympics in August 2008, the events were much different than the norm. MDA, the Israeli ambulance service, started the Olympic competition to challenge other international services to test their skills. The two-day competition was called “Saving Lives at the Dead Sea.”

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Raising Sturgeon in Israel

{image_1} As sturgeon populations decline in the Caspian Sea, scientists at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have found a way for Israel to cash in on the world’s growing demand for caviar. Professor Berta Levavi-Sivan of Hebrew University and Dr. Avshalom Hurvitz have successfully reared Israel’s first sturgeon.

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Rabbi Finds His “Righteous Gentile”

{image_1} Tel Aviv Chief Rabbi Meir Lau was reportedly deeply moved as he told how the identity had recently been discovered of a man who helped save his life during the Holocaust 63 years ago. Lau, formerly chief rabbi of Israel, told Israel Radio that while he had known the first name of his 18-year-old rescuer, Fyodor, he had not known his family name of Michajlitschenko, a name that was only uncovered during a search of hitherto inaccessible Nazi records.

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Israeli Wave Energy in China

{image_1}Israeli company S.D.E. Energy, developer of an innovative technology for generating electricity from sea waves, has signed an agreement for selling sea wave power plants in China. Construction of the power plants will be financed by investors from Hong Kong and China. Two joint venture companies will build an initial model in southern China. If successful, it will launch the establishment of sea wave power plants throughout China.

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Israeli Doctors Volunteer in Gaza

{image_1}Prior to the recent Hamas-Fatah infighting and amid the uncertainty looming over Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, two Israeli doctors and volunteers at the Physicians for Human Rights organization in Israel, obtained special entry permits allowing them to cross into the Gaza Strip and perform complex plastic and orthopedic surgeries on children. Dr. Kassis Shukri, a plastic surgery specialist from Ziv Medical Center, and Dr. Mustafa Yassin, an orthopedist from the Rabin Medical Center, worked with the Palestinian medical team at the Shifa Hospital, Gaza’s main medical center, for two-and-a-half intensive days.

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Tourism Profits Spike

{image_1}The Israel hotel industry has achieved one billion shekels (US
$295.5 million) profit in a year, for the first time. Tourism growth in
2007 included 2.3 million tourists and a 25% increase over 2006.

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Israel Sends Earthquake Aid to China

{image_1} An Israeli cargo plane  carrying about 90 tons (81 metric tons) of medicines and medical equipment, water purification kits, generators, tents, sleeping bags, and clothing intended for the earthquake survivors departed for the Chinese city of Chengdu late in May. The humanitarian aid was on its way to survivors of the 7.9 earthquake that struck the Sichuan province in southwestern China on May 12, killing 69,130 and leaving 4.8 million homeless.

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Israel Chooses National Bird

{image_1} The hoopoe or Duchifat (in Hebrew) has been named Israel’s national bird after winning a majority vote by a landslide. President Shimon Peres made the announcement at a ceremony on May 29 to coincide with Israel’s 60th anniversary celebrations.

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Coexistence Through Medicine

{image_1} Palestinian Bedouin Nadia Aieed, 32, was bitten by a very poisonous saw-scaled viper. Her mother’s screams caught the attention of some Israeli farmers working nearby, who rushed her to a clinic. Within minutes, an Israel Defense Forces ambulance arrived with two paramedic soldiers dressed in military uniform, but the Palestinian women were desperate and gave it no thought. They just needed help—fast!

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Shekel Goes International

{image_1} The Israeli shekel joined the foreign exchange market’s CLS [Continuous Linked Settlement] Bank global settlement system on May 26, making it available for international payment instructions.

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