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Hope in Difficult Times

Good News

WONDERful Jerusalem

January 3, 2007

A panel of American journalists, writers, and scientists has chosen the Old City of Jerusalem as one of the seven wonders of modern times. The panel chose the city for its central place in religious history and struggle for tolerance. Among the sites said to have elevated Jerusalem to this status are the Western Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, and the Dome of the Rock, along with the walls and gates of the city.

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New Bike Trails in Israel

December 4, 2006

A new bike trail will allow bicyclists to ride across the Jewish state. The first 30 kilometers [18 miles] was opened during the holiday of Sukkot [Feast of Tabernacles]. The trail is being built by Derech Eretz, the operator of the Trans-Israel Route 6 Highway, Israel’s first toll road. Bicyclists were just one of the many groups opposed to the construction of the highway, which covered many of their favorite trails with asphalt. Now, the company intends to return some of what was taken.

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Israel – A Technology Powerhouse

December 4, 2006

The World Economic Forum published its yearly 2006–2007 report, in which it ranks Israel as one of the world’s most competitive economies ahead of Canada, France, and South Korea.

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The Bible – Road Map to Israel’s Oil

December 3, 2006

Oil spurted from a drilling site north of the Dead Sea recently. Drilling partners, Ginko Oil Exploration and Lapidot (20%) estimate they have about 6.5 million barrels of crude oil, worth about US $300 million. The oil was struck at a 1,800 meter-depth (5,906 feet). It is a small quantity by world standards, providing 100 to 150 barrels per day. Number one producer Saudi Arabia produces nine million barrels a day, but Eli Tannenbaum, geologist for Ginko, said there are signs that larger amounts of crude are nearby.

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The Land of Milk and Honey

September 10, 2006

For thousands of years, the Land of Israel has flowed with milk and honey, but now it is official: Israeli cows are the biggest producers in the world. How now, proud cow? But sheep and goats can take a bow as well.

A report released this week by the Central Bureau of Statistics [CBS] says that Israeli cows are the number one milk producers in the world. According to the CBS report, last year Israeli dairies produced some 1,221 million liters [323 million gallons] of the white liquid for public consumption, providing 185 liters [49 gallons] per person per year.

Cow’s milk comprised the bulk of production at 94% of the total volume. Sheep produced 3.6%, with goat’s milk at the lowest percentage of volume, 2.3%.

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Kanafim – wings of protection

September 10, 2006

“How priceless is Your unfailing love! Both high and low among men find refuge in the shadow of Your wings.” Psalm 36:7.

Often in the Scriptures, we hear references to physical attributes of God. We hear about the “arm of the Lord,” and we pray that “His face will shine upon us.” We should understand that Israelites were not imagining that God literally had a physical body, but because the Hebrew language does not contain many abstractions, they were using physical imagery to express ideas about God’s nature.

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Israel Allies Caucus In U.S.A.

September 10, 2006

On July 27, the United States Congress announced the establishment of an Israel Allies Caucus, meant to mobilize Christian support for Israel around the world.

The American congressional lobby, which is modeled on the Knesset’s [Parliament’s] Christian Allies Caucus created two and half years ago, debuted with a membership of four congressmen: two Republicans––Dave Weldon of Florida and Trent Franks of Arizona, and two Democrats––Eliot Engel of New York and Gene Green of Texas.

The new caucus plans to advocate Israel’s right to live in peace within safe and secure borders, on the basis of shared Judeo-Christian values.

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Israel’s First Mass Wedding

September 10, 2006

Despite the war, a mass wedding for 50 couples from the war-torn Galilee area, with 5,000 guests, took place in Tel Aviv’s old port Hangar 11 on August 14, the day the cease-fire began.

“This is the first time in Jewish history an event like this has happened,” said Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger, who supervised the event.

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Israeli Water Know-How in China

August 3, 2006

China and Israel will work together to introduce Israeli water technology into the world’s most populous nation under a cooperation agreement reached with China’s Ministry of Water Resources during the recent Water Expo in Beijing.

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