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Never Again Is Now

Good News

Poland Israel’s Friend

March 1, 2006

Today, Poland is one of Israel’s best friends. Now, this once anti-Semitic country has few anti-Israel demonstrations, enjoys US $2 billion worth of Israeli investments, buys Israeli missiles, and has allotted substantial funds to build a Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw––slated to become one of Europe’s largest Jewish museums.

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Economy Grows 5.2% in 2005

March 1, 2006

Israel’s gross domestic product (GDP) grew 5.2% to nearly NIS 523.9 billion (US $113.3 billion) in 2005, its biggest gain in five years and well above the Bank of Israel’s most recent forecast, according to preliminary figures released January 1 by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS).

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Christians Track Israel Support

March 1, 2006

In an unprecedented move, a major conservative Christian advocacy group in the United States will include the voting records of American legislators on Israel in its biennial Christian voting guide.

The Christian Voter Guide—put out by right-wing Christian Coalition of America every two years ahead of American congressional and presidential elections—has previously only included American domestic social issues. Now the guide is branching out to deal with American’s foreign relations for the first time.

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Israelis Developing Alternatives to Arab Oil

February 1, 2006

An Israeli inventor and company are trying to use garbage and leftover olive pulp from olive-oil factories, respectively, to replace oil in providing fuel and electricity to the Jewish state. From one ton of garbage, half a ton of oil or 300 kg (662 lbs.) of gas or 150 kg (331 lbs.) of green coal can be extracted to produce electricity, according to inventor Dr. Sergei Rosenberg.

Rosenberg gained the experience necessary to come up with his invention from working in Russia before he immigrated to Israel. “In Russia, I helped with the building of an artificial reservoir, a number of power stations, and I designed the water system for the nuclear core in Chernobyl.”

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Computer Virus-  Are Their Days Numbered?

February 1, 2006

A Tel Aviv team has cornered the deadly, dastardly computer virus menace. The thought of those vicious virus monsters cringing in fear of their demise is a delight.

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Millions Of Christians Pray For Israel

November 27, 2005

Tens of millions of Christians around the world joined their voices in prayer on October 2, calling on the Creator of heaven and earth to send His peace to Jerusalem, the capital of Israel.

According to the United States-based leadership behind the second annual International Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem, Bible-believers, in churches and meetings across the globe, focused their thoughts and prayers on the ancient metropolis whose name in Hebrew means “city of peace.”

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Christian Allies Of Israel Honored

November 27, 2005

In a sign of the increasing cooperation between Israel and the Christian evangelical world, several Israel-based Christian groups were honored in October in Jerusalem for their unequivocal support for the State of Israel.

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Ashkelon Desalinization Plant Up and Running

November 27, 2005

The much anticipated Ashkelon water desalinization plant is up and running, with treated seawater already being supplied to the Negev from the Mediterranean Sea.

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Double-Decker Tour Bus

October 3, 2005

This past summer, Jerusalem inaugurated a new “City Tour” bus line, utilizing a bright red double-decker bus. If you have ever visited London, you have probably enjoyed sightseeing from the top of such a bus; now you can have the same kind of experience in Jerusalem.

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Cell-Phone Service Tracks Children

October 3, 2005

With the push of a few buttons on a cellular phone, Israeli parents will soon be able to detect the real-time location of their children. Two Israeli cell-phone companies announced that they will be providing a service through which customers will be able to track the precise location of their child within seconds.

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