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From French to Hebrew: Returning Home

Hebraic Understanding

Unpacking the Parashah

The Jewish people have a long history of closely studying God’s word. It is precious to them. The Torah (Gen.–Deut.) is especially dear, and they focus on it weekly throughout the year. In fact, the Jewish community worldwide reads through those five books of Moses, sometimes called the Pentateuch, every year on a standardized cycle.

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Israeli Celebrations—Expressions of Joy, Sorrow and Hope

Israel’s Independence Day, Jerusalem. It is well past midnight, but the capital is more alive than ever. From the Old City to Jaffa Street—and all across the country—Israel celebrates. Standing on the crowded streets amid a thousand other revelers, it is easy to be swept up in the merriment. Foreigners and natives alike dance together

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Shavuot: The Torah, Mount Sinai and Ruth?

Each of the biblical feasts celebrated in Israel comes with its own set of Scriptural instructions, tried traditions and weird and wonderful customs. The Feast of Tabernacles signals seven joyous days of dwelling in temporary booths, and Purim (Feast of Esther) means dressing up in dazzling costumes. On Rosh HaShanah (Jewish New Year) the piercing

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Passover—Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

The onset of April means spring in the northern hemisphere and autumn south of the equator. Both are marked by changes in temperature, foliage and even activities, as the north warms up and the south cools down. There are, however, some things that remain constant no matter where you are on the globe, and one

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Lessons from Susa

On March 20–21, the Jewish community worldwide will enjoy one of the happiest festivals in their yearly cycle. Today, the holiday known as Purim (Feast of Esther) is celebrated by increasing numbers of Christians as well. It’s a time of frivolity, dressing in costumes, giving gifts of food to the needy and lots of boisterous

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“I Will Plant them in their Land”

“I will plant them in their land, and no longer shall they be pulled up from the land I have given them,” says the Lord your God. (Amos 9:15). Aliyah, or immigration to Israel, is a familiar word to most of us. In the verse from Amos, the prophet is speaking about a second and

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Shabbat Flowers

Fridays bring many visible clues to announce the arrival of Shabbat (Sabbath) in Jerusalem. The city begins to slow down, delicious cooking odors greet pedestrians as they walk through residential areas and colorful flower stalls appear everywhere—at intersections, on sidewalks, outside small grocery stores and at the shuk (outdoor market). Buying flowers for Shabbat isn’t

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Covenant: The True Foundation

It is impossible to know how many pages have been written, words spoken and questions asked in man’s search for a true understanding of personal relationship with God. Belief is the central element, some have said, without which no relationship can exist. Others have posited that obedience is the essential component without which belief is

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Success According to Jesus

I want to share with you the keys to success in life, which are available to every believer. Your life can be meaningful, significant and impactful. I can say this with confidence because Jesus (Yeshua) gave us the keys to success in the Bible. We call them the greatest commandments of Jesus and they are

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Priesthood of All Believers

Having grown up in a Protestant Christian background, Wesleyan to be precise, I had no practical experience with priests and the concept of a “priesthood.” I had a vague sense of priests being men who eschewed marital relations in order to more fully pursue service to God. But recently, when I studied the weekly Torah

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