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From French to Hebrew: Returning Home

Inventions & Innovations

Israeli Global Leader in Microgreens

The world is discovering microgreens (also known as “cress” or “micro leaves”)—tiny leaves and sprouts harvested at 10 days, rich in vitamins and antioxidants. They are smaller and more tender than baby lettuce, yet more robust and flavorful than sprouts. Micro leaves are delicious and ideal for salads, main dishes, soups, as well as garnishing.

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Life-Saving Treatment for Collapsed Lung

Pneumothorax is a medical emergency: the collection of air in the pleural space separating the lung from the chest wall, causing it to collapse and resulting in suffocation. Pneumothorax is caused by chest trauma, and is believed to be responsible for over a third of preventable deaths on the battlefield and in terror attacks. The

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Smart Solution for Pesky Foreign Currency

Anybody who has traveled internationally knows the dilemma. With the trip over, you find yourself waiting to board the flight home with the last foreign coins or bills still rattling around in your pockets. Exchanging the currency is not an option. So you either hunt around the airport gift shop for an overpriced trinket you

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Green Cure for ‘Empty Truck Syndrome’

Trucking fresh-picked produce from his family’s RT Fresh farm in the western Negev to other parts of Israel was no problem for Avishai Trabelsi. The problem was the return runs. Empty trucks on the road add up to a huge waste of fuel and manpower, as well as unnecessary air pollution and traffic. So, Trabelsi

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Intelligent Socks for Diabetics

Diabetic neuropathy is a type of nerve damage associated with the development of foot ulcers in patients with diabetes. Resulting from anatomical deformation, excessive pressure and poor blood supply, it affects over 130 million individuals worldwide. It is also the leading cause of amputation, costing the United States economy alone more than $10 billion annually.

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Smart Home Revolution

Two Israeli Arabs and two graduates of the Israeli security services have teamed up in a start-up company that can turn your home into a safe “smart home”—control and monitor your entire home, all from your smart phone. The “smart home” is the latest in technology. A smart home allows you to run electrical appliances

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Wild Emmer Wheat Genome

A joint team from NRGene and Tel Aviv University has completed the mapping of the wild Emmer wheat genome in just one month, giving a significant boost to global research into crop improvement, improving global wheat yields and helping combat the world food crisis. Wild Emmer, the progenitor of today’s durum and bread wheat varieties,

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Immune Cells that Fight Obesity

We tend to think of the immune system as guarding us against bacteria, viruses and other foreign invaders, but this system has other surprising roles. Weizmann Institute researchers have now identified a small subtype of immune cells that appears to prevent metabolic syndrome: obesity, high blood pressure and high levels of blood sugar and cholesterol.

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Israel to Reduce Greenhouse Gases

The Israeli government approved a program to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 25% which was presented to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change at the end of September. Parties to the Convention are expected to adopt a new agreement at the December 2015 climate conference in Paris. Under that agreement, all countries, including Israel,

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ENVIRONMENT:  Israel to Reduce Greenhouse Gases

The Israeli government approved a program to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 25% which was presented to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change at the end of September. Parties to the Convention are expected to adopt a new agreement at the December 2015 climate conference in Paris. Under that agreement, all countries, including Israel,

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