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Never Again Is Now

Inventions & Innovations

Dispatch Technology for Critical Missions

www.tadirantele.com When every second counts, a new dispatch console developed by Israelis can help coordinate emergency teams so they can respond faster to save lives and avert catastrophes. The Aeonix Dispatch Console is the latest offering from Tadiran Telecom. The cost-effective software and interface brings emergency and police crews “up to speed” with a plug-and-play

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Israel’s “Rain Man” Conserves School Water

{image_1}It was a nightmare. Half of the school’s outlying wall was ripped off in a storm as rainwater runoff caused more than $150,000 in damage. But science teacher Amir Yechieli, saw the disaster as a chance to save the day. Yechieli had studied storm water runoff in the Sinai Desert for a master’s degree.

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“Lazy Eye” Glasses Help Kids Overcome Amblyopia

{image_1}An Israeli doctor’s revolutionary invention for treating a childhood eye condition won a prize for industry innovation at the fourth annual International 3D Society Awards. The award will undoubtedly raise worldwide interest in Amblyz Glasses, based on a patent owned by Dr. Omry Ben-Ezra, a family physician who was determined to find a more kid-friendly treatment for amblyopia—commonly known as “lazy eye,” a neural disorder affecting three to five percent of all children.

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“WalkMe” through This Website

{image_1}Anyone who’s gotten confused while trying to buy a product or do a financial transaction online—and that includes most of us—will be relieved to know that Israeli startup WalkMe is already marketing its user-friendly “Walk-Thru” instruction system.

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Green Lung in Dimona

{image_1}If Israel's first Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion were to pop by the city of Dimona today, he'd be thrilled to see this Negev community bringing his vision to fruition. Construction of a new green oasis in the desert is now underway.

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A High-Tech Pillbox

{image_1}Chronic diseases are expensive to manage, and one of the reasons is that patients forget to take their pills, says Gil Margalit. He’s the founder of a new Israeli company, Vaica, which is developing a solution to help young and old alike remember to take their medication.

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Music on the Mind

{image_1}Musicologists and brain researchers, who don't usually attend the same conferences, recently attended a Jerusalem conference. They shared a common language: music. The conference, “Music and Brains: The Surprising Link,” was presented by the Interdisciplinary Center for Neural Computation (ICNC) at the Hebrew University [HU]. Prof. Naftali Tishby, director of the ICNC, was one of the conference organizers.

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Bolstering “Natural Killer” Cells against Flu

{image_1}Our immune systems are equipped with “natural killer” (NK) cells that recognize and eliminate influenza-virus-infected cells in order to keep the virus from spreading. If NK cells always worked perfectly, nobody would get sick with the flu. Obviously, something can go wrong because many people do get flu. Israeli doctoral student Yotam Bar-On tackled this mystery, and his findings could lead to a whole new way of treating this sometimes deadly viral infection.

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Israeli Technology to Slash Office Energy Bills

{image_1}Ask an operations manager how to better manage energy consumption in the office through HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems) and lighting and you will probably draw a blank, says Nati Freiberg, the CEO of Israeli energy management company Beemtech.

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Smartphone Software for Visually Impaired

{image_1}Dialing, texting, and setting the smartphone alarm clock are daily operations that most people perform very easily. The world of the visually impaired is completely different since they are unable to use touch screen phones and so most of these operations are unavailable to them.

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