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From French to Hebrew: Returning Home

Israel & Jerusalem

Jerusalem of Gold

When the Jewish people were scattered through several millennia of exile, one of the lifelines that kept them connected as a people was their yearning for Jerusalem. It was this passionate heart-connection to the Holy City that caused Nehemiah, an exile in Persia, to mourn when he got the news that Jerusalem’s walls were broken

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Six Days of War for Jerusalem

History teaches that the conflicts that sway the destiny of nations are often fought over a protracted period of time. The events that shake the fate of peoples do not, after all, unfold overnight. Yet principles are never fully absolute. The best exception to this rule arguably occurred when Israel was forced into yet another

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When Jordan Controlled Jerusalem’s Holy City : It Was Never Palestine’s Capital

Fifty years ago, barbed wire and land mines divided Jerusalem between Jordanian and Israeli territory. That Jerusalem was starkly divided into “east” and “west” wasn’t the only thing that looked noticeably different under Jordanian control which lasted from 1949 until the 1967 Six Day War that saw Israel take back the entirety of Jerusalem. The

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Up to Jerusalem!

Jerusalem, the jewel of the Middle East, is a city that has succeeded in attracting thousands of inspired pilgrims from all over the world for centuries. Each year the city literally swells at its seams as Christians and Jews from around the globe embark on a journey to visit the Holy City. A pilgrimage in

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Jerusalem Treasures

 Jerusalem, where ancient prophecy is today’s reality and miracles happen every day. A thoroughly modern city with the world’s most impressive tech industry, it is still home to centuries old neighborhoods where children play freely in the streets and the voices of the prophets seem to whisper around every corner, calling us to remember. It

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Builders of Jerusalem

Unique characters and fascinating tales fill the modern day history of Jerusalem. In the greater Ottoman Empire, Jerusalem was nothing more than a provincial town of little consequence. In actual fact it was only after coming under the British Mandatory administration that Jerusalem once again became a modern cultural center. It took the daring of

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Taking Radiation Protection to a New Level

The Israel Space Agency signed a Declaration of Intent on the launching of an innovative Israeli development, a radiation protection suit, on the next test flight of the spacecraft ‘Orion’ which is scheduled to reach Mars. Science, Technology and Space Minister Ofir Akunis said: “Israeli space technology is known as innovative, reflecting ‘out of the

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What’s In a Name?

In the words of King Solomon, “A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches…” (Prov. 22:1). Names represent so much more than just a label by which we identify people, places or things. They bring with them memories, both good and bad; they represent our various roles in the lives of others;

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Prayer and Israel

In 1982, I was in my bedroom reading my Bible and praying about whether or not to join a trip to Israel. As I thumbed through my Bible, it fell open to Isaiah 62. The words leaped off the page. I felt like my soul was branded with these words, “For Zion’s sake I will

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Tisha B’Av—the Saddest Day on the Jewish Calendar

The calendar in the Land of Promise is marked with days set aside to remember. Some are joyous, celebrating the triumphs, miracles and bravery on which Israel was built. Others are solemn, commemorating the tragedies, heartaches and sacrifices woven into the chronicles of the Jewish people. Tisha B’Av—literally the 9th day of the biblical month,

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