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Israel & Jerusalem

Israeli Flag in Space as NASA Shoots for the Moon

Tuesday, 29 November 2022 | The deep-space flight via Orion spacecraft in the mission called Artemis I, which was launched just less than two weeks ago from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida, is currently orbiting the moon with two mannequins aboard—both sporting an Israeli flag. If successful, the experiment may lay the foundation for

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The Battle for the Heartland

“Judea and Samaria—the name Judea says it all—is territory that historically had an important Jewish presence,” former US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman said in 2020. “As they say, it is the biblical heartland of Israel. It includes Hebron, where Abraham purchased a burial cave for his wife Sarah; Shiloh, where the Tabernacle rested for

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The Spectacular Caves of Beit Guvrin

Beneath the picturesque rolling countryside of central Israel, south of Bet Shemesh, lies an impressive underground system of caves and quarries. This unique area of the Judean lowlands stretches out over 1,250-acres in the Beit Guvrin–Maresha National Park. While in the early spring the national park is a feast of flowers, the best-kept secrets are

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Europe for Israel

Europe presents Israel with a distinct paradox. There’s fierce support and equally fierce opposition; endless prospects alongside endless trials and great opportunities offset by great challenges. Harnessing the potential, promises and pitfalls emanating from the 44 countries comprising the world’s second smallest continent to side with Israel is no small feat. Yet the Israel Allies

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The Quirks of Israel—Gastronomic Delights

From the pen of Peter Fast, national director of Bridges for Peace Canada and the future CEO of Bridges for Peace International, comes the fifth installment of the Quirks of Israel. Join Peter on a journey through the wonderfully peculiar culture, traditions, heritage and daily life of this singular nation as he unpacks, introduces and

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Bouncing Back

As the sun set on 2021, Israel—along with the rest of the world—was eager to return to a sense of normalcy after nearly two years of lockdown, social distancing and isolation. There were, however, a few nagging questions. Was the fallout of COVID-19 so severe that the repercussions would paralyze us for years to come?

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Report: Five Israeli Universities Feature among Top Producers of Entrepreneurs

Wednesday, 2 November 2022 | PitchBook this week published its annual ratings for the universities that produce the most venture capital-backed entrepreneurs—with no less than five Israeli universities featuring among the top 50 and one within the top 10 for undergraduate programs, the Times of Israel reports. Tel Aviv University was first among the five

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Google Opens High-tech School in Israel

October 25, 2022

Tuesday, 25 October 2022 | Alphabet Inc.’s Google and Israel’s Reichman University have established a school to train high-tech professionals. The school will offer courses in computer programming, sales and data analysis, among other subjects, the university said on Monday. “We believe that a variety of voices, opinions and perspectives enriches Israeli high-tech and its

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Putin: Don’t Ask me to Choose

My how times have changed. It was only two short years ago that we saw Russian President Vladimir Putin and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu chatting with the regularity of old buddies dropping by for coffee. Putin and his Russian entourage were warmly welcomed in Israel as important guests in 2020, really only his third

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They Built To Last

While on a Western Wall Tunnel tour, my curiosity was piqued when our tour guide pointed out a section of a wall under the arch that was constructed of various sized stones. These appeared very different from the quarried stones of the ancient arches and wall below, not only because of their varied shapes but

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