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Hope in Difficult Times

Life in Israel

Reclaiming Nazi Plunder

In 2006, an exquisite painting by Gustav Klimt sold for the staggering sum of US $135 million. The painting was owned by Maria Altmann, a Holocaust survivor who was born in Vienna and escaped to Los Angeles during the war. It was a portrait of Altmann’s aunt, Adele Bloch-Bauer, decorated in gold and silver leaf,

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The Real Bad Guys in Tehran

As tensions between Iran and the United States simmer, the Islamic Republic continues proclaiming its goals to wipe Israel off the map and punish the US for standing with the Jewish state against Iranian aggression. The friction culminated in clashes in December and January that led to multiple Iranian strikes on American targets in Iraq

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Abundant Rainfall: The Sea of Galilee Fills Up

Bible readers all know about the Sea of Galilee. In modern Hebrew it is called the Kinneret because it has the shape of a harp (kinnor). Much of Jesus’ (Yeshua’s) ministry happened around her shores. We read of Jesus walking on the water (Matt. 14:22–33), calming the sea (Mark 4:35–41), advising the disciples how to

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The Palestinians: More than Seven Decades of No to Peace

The long-awaited “Deal of the Century”—US President Donald Trump’s proposal aimed at bringing decades of conflict between Israel and the Palestinians to a close—was revealed on January 28. In the months since the detailed 180-page plan saw the light, world leaders, governments, experts, international bodies, forums and leagues have all commented, speculated and weighed in

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Jewish Leaders say “Yes” Palestinians “No”

In 1947 the United Nations voted for partition—dividing the Land into Jewish and Arab sections. The Jews, fresh from the horror of the Holocaust, joyously accepted the small truncated state. To their reasoning, something was better than nothing. The Arabs refused. On May 14, 1948, Israel declared statehood and five Arab armies attacked the tiny,

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Look at all that Water!

February 6, 2020

Thursday, 6 February 2020 | Last week I spent four days on the Golan Heights, taking part in an organized prayer tour. Our Israeli guide was experienced, knowledgeable and obviously loved the opportunity to introduce us to the rich history of his country. He was also very enthusiastic about the recent rainfall and rarely missed

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Jerusalem under Siege

Jerusalem is one of the most amazing cities on earth, constantly in the global public eye and a destination for millions of pilgrims every year. This is interesting, since it is certainly not the most densely populated city, with less than a million people, or even the largest, covering less than 50 miles2 (129 km2).

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Diamonds Are Forever

Long before the creation of the modern State of Israel, the story of the Israeli diamond industry began. Inextricably linked with the story of the Jewish people, the craftsmanship of precious stones can be traced all the way back to the time of Moses, when different types of jewels were used in the breastplate of

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Cycles for Life: Israeli First Responders Ride to the Rescue

A call comes into the command center. There’s been a terror attack in the Old City of Jerusalem. Two people have been stabbed, one critically, and the terrorist is still on the loose. First responders jump into action, and within two minutes, paramedics arrive on the scene to stabilize both victims, armed only with their

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Chesed, One Paw at a Time: Israeli Guide Dogs Offer Sight to the Blind

  In a small community in central Israel, something momentous is about to happen: a mother golden retriever is ready to give birth to a litter of puppies. For dog-lovers everywhere, the birth of puppies is always eventful, but these particular puppies are destined for greatness—they will be raised solely as guide dogs for the

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