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Hope in Difficult Times

Life in Israel

Shabbat Flowers

Fridays bring many visible clues to announce the arrival of Shabbat (Sabbath) in Jerusalem. The city begins to slow down, delicious cooking odors greet pedestrians as they walk through residential areas and colorful flower stalls appear everywhere—at intersections, on sidewalks, outside small grocery stores and at the shuk (outdoor market). Buying flowers for Shabbat isn’t

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The Menace on Israel’s Southern Border

The past 12 months have been particularly strained for the residents of southern Israel. Barrages of rockets, nights spent huddled in bomb shelters as air raid sirens wail, a scorched earth, violent protests a mere stone’s throw away and waves of incendiary kites and balloons flown across the border are but some of the threats

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Promise of Rain

Wednesday, 21 November 2018 | When Moses was preparing the Israelites to enter the Promised Land, he told them, “…the land which you cross over to possess is a land of hills and valleys, which drinks water from the rain of heaven” (Deut. 11:11). Israel does not enjoy rain year-round but only during the “winter”

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EU Bites the Hand that Feeds Israel’s Bedouin

Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman has had it with the European Union’s (EU) flagrant interference in Israel’s internal affairs, and he is certainly not alone among Israeli politicians. The source of this current frustration is the EU’s reaction to Israel’s plans to relocate the illegal Bedouin herding village of Khan al-Ahmar in Judea and Samaria. Europe

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2018: Israel’s Big Year

No year in Israel can be considered ordinary. This is the land held in title deed by the Almighty, pledged in an everlasting covenant to the children of Abraham. Here, the astounding and against-all-odds serve as the building blocks of history. Yet the fulfillment of promise is more than a historic fact. In Israel, the

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Understanding Jewish Symbols: The Hanukkiah

Everyone has a favorite time of year to come and enjoy all the Land of Israel has to offer. While winter is perhaps not the preferred time to visit for many, it is the season in which the beautiful holiday of Hanukkah occurs. Known as the Festival of Lights, the Feast of Dedication and the

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Living the Bible–Visiting Israel for the Biblical Holidays

When you visit Israel, you can see the Bible come to life. This is the land where Jesus walked on water and where David wrote the Psalms. But when you visit Israel during one of the biblical holidays or the extra-biblical festivals of Hanukkah (Feast of Dedication or Festival of Lights) and Purim (Feast of

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Coming Home to the Jewish Quarter

At the tender age of 18, Esther Weiss prayed a strange prayer. The year was 1968. Months earlier, Israel had liberated the Old City of Jerusalem from Jordanian rule. The divided city was newly reunited. The Jewish people had just regained access to their holy sites and could finally return to the decimated Jewish Quarter.

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Israel Needs Abundant Rain after Five-Year Drought

Thursday, 8 November 2018 | Israel has been blessed with early rain this year. Normally, the rainy season here lasts about six months—from October to April, according to Israel’s Water Authority. The winter rains came early, starting near the end of August. Though the Water Authority predicted above average rainfall for this winter, the agency

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An Outbreak of Measles

Thursday, 8 November 2018 | Last week an 18-month-old toddler died in Jerusalem, the first measles-related death in Israel since 2003. Currently the nation is experiencing an outbreak of this highly contagious, viral disease. This is the worst outbreak the country has faced in decades. So far there have been 1,401 cases reported. In comparison,

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