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Hope in Difficult Times

Life in Israel

Hebrew: The Sound of Prophecy Fulfilled

It wasn’t love at first sight for me and Israel. Oh no. I fell in love with the Promised Land, her people, history and significance long before I caught my first glimpse of the strip of land between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. My relationship with the Hebrew language started off differently. Even

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The Big Cut

While it is increasingly becoming a divisive issue, circumcision is one of the world’s oldest rites of passage and vitally important to Judaism. The topic was once considered taboo, but in modern times rigorous debate has flared up in Western nations about whether this tradition could be a violation of young boys’ human rights. The

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Rumors of War

“The chances of war in 2018 are growing… We are ready for war… The next war will be difficult and no simple matter. It will take between days and weeks, but in the end we will win.” —A senior IDF officer addressing military correspondents  Rising Tensions in the North “We are facing a new reality—the

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Tale of Two Cities

Jerusalem is experiencing one of its biggest expansions ever. Mayor Nir Barkat is focused on making Jerusalem a modern metropolis and one of the most accessible cities in Israel. Barkat hopes that new rail lines, business centers and massive residential construction will not only attract new citizens, but also investment from Israeli companies. During 2018,

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Taking Off Soon!: Israel’s New Ilan and Asaf Ramon International Airport  

Come September 2018, the Promised Land will boast a new airport—the first civilian flight center built in Israel since the country’s rebirth 70 years ago. In the six months before the first planes are set to land and take to the skies—as engineers, designers and contractors put finishing touches on the runways, terminal and amenities—Israeli

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Running Where the Prophets Walked

On marathon day, everything in Jerusalem comes to a halt. Everything except 30,000 runners, that is. Every spring, Jerusalem’s historic streets clear for thousands of runners from Israel and around the world to stream through the city during the Jerusalem Winner’s Marathon. The marathon started back in 2011 when Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat, an avid

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Surviving and Thriving, Israeli-style, Israel Celebrates 70 Years

The evening of April 18, 2018 marks the start of Israel’s 70th anniversary and the nation is pulling out all the stops to celebrate. Themed “A Legacy of Innovation,” 70 non-stop hours of partying begin with the biggest fireworks display in the history of the nation. The beaches from Eilat on the Red Sea to

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Rain Has Fallen, But Will It Be Enough?

Friday, 23 February 2018 | Meteorologists have wavered back and forth about whether or not to call the winter of 2017-18 a continuation of the drought Israel has experienced over the four previous years. December was abnormally dry but the month January produced a fair amount of precipitation. This resulted in a cautious pronouncement in

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January Rain Continues

Friday, 26 January 2018 | It has been a wonderfully “wet” week in Jerusalem as well as in other parts of the country. According to Ynetnews, Israel’s meteorological services said that “the January figures brought about a slight change in trend” [from four consecutive years of drought]. In addition Ynetnews reported that “Metro-Tech now estimates

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A Rainy Month

Wednesday, 17 January 2018 | While December was a dry month in Israel, January began with a significant amount of moisture falling in the northern, coastal and central areas of Israel. Over the period from January 3rd through January 6th, the level of the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee) rose 7 centimeters (2.75 in). During the

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