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Tears and the Faithfulness of God

Life in Israel

Rejoicing with Jerusalem

2017 will be remembered as the year of unforgettable anniversaries. In 1917 the Balfour Declaration was penned and General Allenby liberated Jerusalem from the Ottoman Empire. The first Zionist Congress met 120 years ago and issued a united declaration to establish a Jewish homeland. This was pivotal for the next milestone which came 70 years

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First Haredi Female EL AL Pilot

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took off last week to Thessaloniki for a trilateral summit meeting with Greek and Cypriot leaders. So far, this has been a routine matter, but this EL AL flight possessed an exciting historical element: it was the first time a prime minister was flown by an ultra-Orthodox female pilot. The plane

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Tri-lateral Israel–Greece–Cyprus Meeting Held

Friday, 16 June 2017 | Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, prior to leaving for Thessaloniki, Greece on June 14, made the following remarks: “As part of our efforts, which are bearing diplomatic fruit, to enhance relations between Israel and many countries in the world, I am now leaving for the annual summit that we founded between

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Report on 2016 Aliyah Figures

Friday, 09 June, 2017 | Since the establishment of the State of Israel, 3.2 million immigrants have immigrated to Israel, about 43% of them since 1990. This emerges from data published Tuesday by the Central Bureau of Statistics. In the past year, there has been a decline in the number of immigrants compared to the

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Egged, Riding the Bus

Since I first came to Jerusalem as a volunteer ten years ago, I have been fascinated with Egged, Israel’s largest public transportation system. To explain, I grew up in Alaska, in an area where you were more likely to spot a moose grazing alongside the road than a public bus, so maybe the novelty hasn’t

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Celebrating Jerusalem’s Liberation!

A new logo to mark the 50th anniversary of Jerusalem’s liberation has been designed. The logo incorporates many symbols in a stylized number 50: The lion, the harp of David, the Israeli flag, the Western Wall and the Temple Mount. The logo is gold, the traditional symbol of a golden anniversary—50 years since liberation and

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Israel Aiding Wounded Syrians, Turning Them from ‘Enemies to Friends’

Syria attacked the newly reborn State of Israel almost 70 years ago. But that hasn’t impacted Israel’s ongoing work to help Syrians wounded in that nation’s civil war—and it may even offer hope for peace. The Israeli Galilee Medical Center has helped more than 1,500 wounded Syrians, roughly 500 of them children and infants. Masad

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Festivals of Summer

Celebrating life to the fullest and maximizing the opportunities to have fun, are two of the things Israelis do best. Israel has cultivated a few unique festivals which are hosted during summertime, catering to a wide variety of tastes. From festivals you can actively participate in, like the Karmiel Dance Festival; to those that tickle

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‘Made In Israel’ Labels on Fruits and Vegetables

Friday, 05 May 2017 | The Ministry of Agriculture, in cooperation with the Blue and White Division of the Ministry of Economy and Industry, the Farmers’ Union of Israel and the Manufacturers’ Association of Israel, announced last week that they are working to label the local agricultural produce with a blue and white ‘made in

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We’ve Almost Arrived at Pesach (Passover)!

Editor’s note: This week the atmosphere in Jerusalem, and in fact all over the nation of Israel, has been filled with anticipation as Jewish families prepare for Pesach. The material that follows may be very familiar to you but there is always something more to be gleaned. Taken from the Israel and the Church: God’s

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