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Hope in Difficult Times

Life in Israel

The Deborah Force— Women Warriors of the IDF

In Judges 4 we read the account of the mighty Canaanite army led by King Jabin of Hazor, swarming over the Valley of Jezreel, determined to purge the Israelites from the Land once and for all. The meager band of Israelite fighters were no match for Jabin’s 100,000 troops and 900 lethal iron chariots, and

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Israeli Air Force—the Birth of a Legend

Say the words “Israeli Air Force” (IAF) and mental images of courage and valor come to mind. The flying force of tiny Israel is, after all, synonymous with legendary missions, seemingly impossible exploits and remarkable bravery. Today, the IAF is recognized as one of the most powerful air corps in the world. A study by

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Unexpected Family

Mishpocha is a charming Yiddish term which in its essence means family. It also describes the unforeseen, yet delightful, sense of family one witnesses among the residents of Jerusalem. Despite numerous differences within the Jewish community, there remains a strong sense of oneness. The various heartwarming incidents that take place in the colorful communal spaces

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Gems of Jerusalem

I often think of the city of Jerusalem as a delicious box of chocolates. I would pick through a box of colorfully wrapped chocolates, enjoying the distinct taste of each one, when suddenly I become overwhelmed by the taste of a particularly exquisite chocolate. Likewise, walking the streets of Jerusalem and interacting with its diverse

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Second-Class Citizens? Israel’s Legal Realities and Responsibilities in Judea–Samaria

What to do when nearly 400,000 of your people are legally disenfranchised from other citizens? That is the question that faces Israel regarding those living in Judea and Samaria (commonly referred to as the West Bank). Currently Judea and Samaria are not considered part of Israeli territory to which Israeli civil law applies. At the

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A New Holiday—’Aliyah Day’

The Knesset approved a bill which introduced a new holiday in Israel: Aliyah Day. The bill states that every Nissan, a month in the Jewish calendar which falls around spring time, the State of Israel will express its appreciation for those who immigrate to Israel. The same day, the Knesset will dedicate a special discussion

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Explore Jerusalem with the President

In honor of Jerusalem Day Jerusalem culture center Beit Avi Chai released an application that will enable one to follow guided walks of Jerusalem, arranged by different subjects. One can choose to follow the pursuit of the fictional Tamar from Someone to Run With through the alleys of Nahalat Shiva, listen to Ehud Banai’s songs

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On Wings of Eagles

No one knows for certain when the first Jews arrived in Yemen. Some say they were sent by King Solomon to collect gold and silver to be used in constructing the First Temple. Another legend holds that under the prophet Jeremiah some 75,000 Jews, including priests and Levites, traveled to Yemen. Archaeological evidence of the

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A Recipe for Happiness

What could be worse than finding out that you somehow missed a holiday? Gone is your opportunity to sleep in, have a barbecue or spend a leisurely day with friends. But that’s what has been happening to most of us since 2012 when the 193 members of the UN General Assembly voted unanimously to set

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Something of Home for Everyone

I chose to take my first trip to Israel in the winter. To my uninformed mind, the choice made perfect sense. Israel, I believed, was a desert country, a barren strip of sandy expanses and rocky outcrops, interspersed by the Sea of Galilee, Jordan River and other water bodies made famous by Scripture. Summers would

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