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Hope in Difficult Times

Life in Israel

Snow Day in Jerusalem!

It began in the evening. A snowstorm in Jerusalem was getting underway. As the first flakes fell, streets in the usually bustling capital were deserted. Jerusalemites were waiting inside, not out. As rain and slush turned into snow, excited cries were heard, as calls of sheleg (snow) fell from windows and balconies, joining heavy flakes

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A Year in the Army

On our way to synagogue Friday evening I asked my son, “So what did you do this week?” “Drop it Dad. Please! I am exhausted.” “Guy, I know your military service is physically and mentally arduous. You jump, dive, run and climb. You are constantly being tested and evaluated. You carry heavy physical loads. But

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On the Hunt for Lions in Jerusalem

Lions are the last thing you would expect to see in Jerusalem because the City of Gold is renowned for its haunting beauty, ancient landmarks and religious significance. Not for its wildlife, and definitely not for lions roaming its streets. Yet that is exactly what you will find. On street corners and in tiny alleyways,

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Jerusalem, My Home

I am one of Jerusalem’s approximately 800,000 inhabitants, which include Jews, Arabs, Christians and internationals from around the world. My husband and I live in an apartment in the center of Jerusalem, adjacent to Bridges for Peace headquarters. We are right in the center of the action in both a positive and negative way. Frequently,

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Christian Priest to UN: Stop the Witch Hunt against Israel

Father Gabriel Naddaf While Middle East Muslim leaders were gathered at UN Headquarters in New York to lambast Israel, a local Christian cleric was addressing a different UN forum—the Human Rights Committee in Geneva—to set the record straight on freedom for minorities in the Jewish state. “Every five minutes, a Christian is killed in the

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Only 20 Years Old, She Has Foiled Two Terrorist Infiltrations

The IDF Field Intelligence Corps is responsible for monitoring Israel’s most sensitive borders. Hundreds of observers scan video monitors around the clock, searching for the smallest details. Corporal Lihi Meir They are the eyes of the nation, ensuring the safety of Israel’s civilians daily. Corporal Lihi Meir is one of the soldiers responsible for Gaza’s

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The Siddur—an Inner Understanding of the Jewish People

 Bridges for Peace is committed to building sincere, respectful relationships between Christians and Jews in Israel and around the world. We are often privileged to partner in such efforts with the Center for Jewish–Christian Understanding and Cooperation under the direction of David Nekrutman. We thank David for the following article, written to help Christians better

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Text in Context: Studying Bible Translation in Israel

Twenty years ago Dr. Halvor Ronning and his wife Mirja co-founded the “Home for Bible Translators and Scholars in Jerusalem” (HBT). It was birthed in 1994 when they were both teaching at the Institute of Holy Land Studies (Jerusalem). Mirja reached out to two struggling Ugandans, recognizing the importance for them to have a “home”

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Off the Beaten Track; Exciting Ways to Explore Israel

Photo by ChameleonsEye/Shutterstock Each year visitors to Israel are a significant part of the landscape. The majority arrive as part of a packaged tour, spending much of their time traveling by bus from site to site. For the first-time visitor, this is the best introduction to Israel’s biblical and historical locations. However, once you’ve floated

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Shifting Sands of International Alliances

For decades, the propaganda machine of the Arab world has declared that Israel’s “illegal occupation of Palestine” is at the heart of all conflict in the Middle East. Unfortunately world leaders have been all too willing to dance to that tune, while ignoring the reality on the ground. But today, battles are raging, borders changing

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