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Hope in Difficult Times

Life in Israel

A Heavenly Lookout!

{image_1}The Cliffs of Arbel

One of the advantages of being a Bridges for Peace volunteer in Israel is the opportunity to explore on your own. While Arbel National Park is not usually found on Israel tour itineraries, it is definitely worth a visit. The view from Mount Arbel is breathtaking, including the Golan Heights, Tsafat (Safed), Tiberias and the Sea of Galilee. The high cliffs reach an elevation of 181 meters (594 ft) above sea level at the peak for a total elevation of 380 meters (1,247 ft).

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Up In the Air, a Bird’s-eye View of Israel

{image_1}Israel has a number of cable car systems that not only provide transportation but make for some memorable aerial adventures as well.

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Soreq Cave—The Wondrous World Beneath

{image_1}Considering its tiny size, the land of Israel is amazing in its diversity. God made the Land beautiful—a “land of hills and valleys,” choosing it as a dwelling place for Himself and His people. And it must give Him pleasure, for Deuteronomy 11:12 says that “…the eyes of the Lord your God are always on it.”

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Dazzling Nights in the Old City

{image_1}Jerusalem’s Festival of Light was a week-long extravaganza of light and art—vibrant scenes splashed across the stones of ancient walls, light sculptures, brightly colored mobiles floating overhead, performances on stages and in the streets—all taking place at various locations in Jerusalem’s Old City, long after the sun had gone to bed.

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Cool Globes Jerusalem

{image_1}An exhibit of 18 large globes of planet earth is on public display near the Old City’s Jaffa Gate. Each of the globes, weighing 2,000 pounds (907 kg), artistically portrays a solution to climate change—from solar power to rooftop gardens; green buildings to fuel efficiency.

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Israel’s Sweetest Solar Energy

{image_1}The Bible calls Israel the Land of Milk and Honey. [Israeli entrepreneur] Shimon Klier has invented a new kind of solar energy panel that collects the sun’s rays to directly heat homes in countries that have the largest energy bills. The inspiration for the collector came by way of the honeybee.

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Turning Israeli Roofs into Green Habitats

{image_1}Anybody can plunk down some potted trees and pretty planters on a roof, but a rooftop garden does not offer the same environmental and ecological benefits as a “green roof”—a layer of low-maintenance vegetation that insulates the building underneath and reduces flash flooding on paved streets below by acting as a sponge for rainfall.

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Blood Test for Alzheimer’s

{image_1}“Today, one of the main weaknesses in the Alzheimer’s area is that patients don’t find out until it’s too late,” says Ilya Budik, CEO of NeuroQuest, an Israeli company developing a novel blood test for early detection of the most common cause of dementia worldwide. “There are many new therapies under development, and the most successful trials are showing the earlier a patient is treated, the better likelihood of responding to the treatment,” he says.

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Operation Pillar of Defense

{image_1}Operation Pillar of Defense was launched in November 2012 after years of rocket attacks on southern Israeli communities. During the eight days of the operation, Hamas fired 1,506 rockets at Israel. The Iron Dome system intercepted 421, and 152 fell in Gaza itself. Five Israeli civilians were killed by the rockets and a further 240 were injured. An 18-year-old soldier also died in the attacks. Homes, schools, and apartment blocks were hit by the rockets. Three and a half million Israelis were put at risk. The use of the Fajr-5 rockets brought both Jerusalem and Tel Aviv within range.

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Operation Pillar of Defense

{image_1}Operation Pillar of Defense was launched in November 2012 after years of rocket attacks on southern Israeli communities. During the eight days of the operation, Hamas fired 1,506 rockets at Israel. The Iron Dome system intercepted 421, and 152 fell in Gaza itself. Five Israeli civilians were killed by the rockets and a further 240 were injured. An 18-year-old soldier also died in the attacks. Homes, schools, and apartment blocks were hit by the rockets. Three and a half million Israelis were put at risk. The use of the Fajr-5 rockets brought both Jerusalem and Tel Aviv within range.

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