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Life in Israel

The Siddur

{image_1}If you have been to Jerusalem, you may have noticed that everywhere you go, you see religious Jews with a book. They are always reading it and praying. Have you ever wondered, “What is that book?” It is the prayer book, or “siddur” in Hebrew. Siddur comes from the word “seder,” which means “order.” The prayer book gives an order to prayer. Orthodox Jews normally pray three times a day. They follow the prayer book for individual or group prayer, which requires a minyan (literally meaning “to count”) of ten men. While prayer books vary depending on the version, there is a consistency in content and order.

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The Siddur

{image_1}If you have been to Jerusalem, you may have noticed that everywhere you go, you see religious Jews with a book. They are always reading it and praying. Have you ever wondered, “What is that book?” It is the prayer book, or “siddur” in Hebrew. Siddur comes from the word “seder,” which means “order.” The prayer book gives an order to prayer. Orthodox Jews normally pray three times a day. They follow the prayer book for individual or group prayer, which requires a minyan (literally meaning “to count”) of ten men. While prayer books vary depending on the version, there is a consistency in content and order.

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Cardboard Innovation

{image_1}Israeli entrepreneur Nimrod Elmish is positive that the idea for a wheelchair made out of cardboard has crossed many people’s minds. But it took an Israeli team to make it a reality. With great feedback and global interest in their first venture—recyclable cardboard bicycles—Elmish and automation expert Izhar Gafni have quietly added the cardboard wheelchair project to their operation. It’s made of less than $10 worth of durable recycled cardboard, plastic bottles, and recycled tires.

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Cardboard Innovation

{image_1}Israeli entrepreneur Nimrod Elmish is positive that the idea for a wheelchair made out of cardboard has crossed many people’s minds. But it took an Israeli team to make it a reality. With great feedback and global interest in their first venture—recyclable cardboard bicycles—Elmish and automation expert Izhar Gafni have quietly added the cardboard wheelchair project to their operation. It’s made of less than $10 worth of durable recycled cardboard, plastic bottles, and recycled tires.

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Lifesaving iPhone App

{image_1}During the height of Operation Pillar of Defense, while southern Israel was under nearly constant rocket attack from the Gaza Strip, Liron Bar, a 13-year-old Beersheva resident came up with the idea for a new iPhone app.

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Lifesaving iPhone App

{image_1}During the height of Operation Pillar of Defense, while southern Israel was under nearly constant rocket attack from the Gaza Strip, Liron Bar, a 13-year-old Beersheva resident came up with the idea for a new iPhone app.

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Immigrants Helping Immigrants

{image_1}Many times over the years, we have published articles on the immigration of Ethiopian Jews, also called Falashas. The stories of how they arrived back in the 1980s and ‘90s are some of the most dramatic and amazing in the history of Jewish immigration. But their struggles do not end upon arrival. Coming from a strong tribal culture into a technological, modern nation has been extremely challenging.

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Numbers are Important

{image_1}When you pick up a newspaper in Israel, you will see two dates on the cover: the Gregorian date and the Hebrew date. The biblical Hebrew calendar is not the same as the one most of the world uses today, but rather a lunar calendar based on the movements of the moon in which each month has 30 days. In modern day Israel, the lunar Hebrew calendar is still used alongside the more familiar Gregorian.

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Israeli Mom Goes Green

{image_1}Imagine pulling back the tab of a drink box, drinking its contents, and then throwing what’s left in the backyard compost heap to fully decompose––just like one would a fruit peel? This was the dream of mother and computer-engineer-turned-entrepreneur Daphna Nissenbaum from Israel. Her dream has turned into an award-winning, green-packaging company, Tipa, which is starting to roll out a few products already.

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Detecting Breast Cancer…with Dignity!

{image_1}Early detection is the key to improving breast cancer survival rates, but mammography is not the ideal method to accomplish this goal. Medical experts agree. Not as clear is what could do the job without the disadvantages of mammography—which often causes pain or discomfort; emits radiation; cannot properly image dense breast tissue; relies on a radiologist’s interpretation of the image; and is not recommended for routine screening of women under age 40 or 50.

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