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Hope in Difficult Times

Life in Israel

Jerusalem “A Very Heavy Stone”


Under the sovereign rule of Israel, Jerusalem has been a holy city for
the world’s major monotheistic faiths:

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Here, all people enjoy freedom of
worship. Across this city in the early hours of the morning, we wake to
the sound of the call to prayer amplified from Muslim mosques.
Meanwhile, in Bethlehem, Christians have fled to Chile to escape the
persecution and brutality of Islamic thuggery. Is this where a divided
Jerusalem will lead us if a portion of it is established as the capital
of the proposed new Palestinian state?

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60 Years of Excellence

Strong Leaders

The leaders we are highlighting here are only a few of dozens we could choose from. We are thankful that God has given Israel so many strong men and women to help shape this country. What an awesome privilege they have had!

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What Happened at Carmel?

{image_1}It is in Israel where the Bible comes alive to Christian pilgrims. This is especially true at Carmel, where the great contest between monotheism and paganism took place (1 Kings 18). Today, it is one of the most beautiful mountains in the Land and is the site of this peaceful Carmelite Monastery. Tom, our local Israel tour guide, takes us back to that event, uncovering the secret to Elijah’s fire and some miracles that are often overlooked in this story.

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What Happened at Carmel?

{image_1}It is in Israel where the Bible comes alive to Christian pilgrims. This is especially true at Carmel, where the great contest between monotheism and paganism took place (1 Kings 18). Today, it is one of the most beautiful mountains in the Land and is the site of this peaceful Carmelite Monastery. Tom, our local Israel tour guide, takes us back to that event, uncovering the secret to Elijah’s fire and some miracles that are often overlooked in this story.

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Bar Mitzvah: A Boy’s Aliyah

{image_1}We non-Jews understand that the word aliyah (ah-lee-AH), literally “going up,” is used when a Jewish person immigrates to Israel, but it is also used in a Shabbat (Sabbath) service when a Jewish man is called “up” (uh-LEE-uh) to read from the Torah (Gen.–Deut.). This is one of the privileges a 13-year-old boy assumes at his bar mitzvah when he becomes a man and is deemed old enough to be held accountable for his actions. Hopefully, there is a spiritual aspect to his aliyah, as he “ascends” to a new plane in his personal relationship with God.

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Bar Mitzvah: A Boy’s Aliyah

{image_1}We non-Jews understand that the word aliyah (ah-lee-AH), literally “going up,” is used when a Jewish person immigrates to Israel, but it is also used in a Shabbat (Sabbath) service when a Jewish man is called “up” (uh-LEE-uh) to read from the Torah (Gen.–Deut.). This is one of the privileges a 13-year-old boy assumes at his bar mitzvah when he becomes a man and is deemed old enough to be held accountable for his actions. Hopefully, there is a spiritual aspect to his aliyah, as he “ascends” to a new plane in his personal relationship with God.

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Staying Put in the Golan

{image_1}The possibility of war remains a great concern for Israeli political and military leaders as well as residents of the Golan Heights. Evidence of increased tensions in the North have been felt near the Mt. Avital Israel Defense Forces (IDF) base just opposite the cease-fire line with Syria. Israeli jet fighters and Apache helicopters have been heard overhead patrolling the skies. An IDF combat engineer unit has been preparing for maneuvers for months. However, very few tanks or other heavy military equipment have been seen.

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Meeting God in Shiloh

{image_1}“Now the whole congregation of the children of Israel assembled together at Shiloh, and set up the tabernacle of meeting there. And the land was subdued before them.” Joshua 18:1

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Heroic Medics Inspire Admiration

{image_1}During times of war, much talk and space is given to missile attacks, bombings, and catastrophe. Wild exchanges on the streets of Gaza crowd the TV news services. Often the service rendered by Magen David Adom (MDA) is taken for granted, but their team of well-trained Israeli professionals are on call whenever and wherever needed. Magen David Adom, which means “Red Star of David,” is the efficient Israeli ambulance service.

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Sderot: A City Besieged

{image_1}“I lift up my eyes to the hills—where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the maker of heaven and earth.”
Psalm 121:1–2, NIV

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