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From French to Hebrew: Returning Home

Notable Quotes

Survivors: Then and Now

I found myself sitting on an old couch, eating pierogi (Russian dumplings), listening to the life story of an elderly woman and her husband. They were real. Now, that might sound like a strange statement, but for a young American adult fresh out her teenage years, the Holocaust and its survivors used to be confined

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Fighting on the Front Lines of Freedom

Everyone seems to have an opinion on why the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) wages war. In the midst of International Criminal Court arrest warrants, ceasefires and UN resolutions, it’s easy to forget that at the heart of this complex conflict are the Israelis who serve as soldiers. These men and women, often depicted in the

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Roaring for Israel

The eyes of the nations are increasingly focused on the most contested place on Earth: Israel. Some countries shout their hate from every public forum, while others whisper secretly, weaving anti-Semitic rhetoric into UN resolutions. It’s a bleak reality. Lies are rampant, truth is ignored and Israel remains condemned for its every move toward a

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Arabs against Hamas

  It is commonly believed that anyone who speaks out in support of Israel’s military position is either Jewish or Christian. However, there is a specific demographic of people who support Israel without any religious or ethnic ties to the country. They advocate against terrorism…against Hamas. This conviction often comes at a high cost as

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Debunking the Popular Social Media Slurs

January 16, 2024

  Israel faces unrelenting criticism born of a prevailing false narrative that casts the Jewish state as the colonizing oppressor and the Palestinians as the colonized oppressed. We offer several examples from the most widespread and influential form of disinformation in modern culture: social media, and more specifically, X, formerly Twitter. We then counter that

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Israel, We Are with You!

November 9, 2023

We bid farewell to 2023 and step into 2024 in the shadow of the October 7 massacre. So instead of general wishes of love and joy, the Bridges for Peace volunteers want to use this opportunity to tell Israel in their own words that whatever comes, whatever happens—good or bad—we are with you. “It is

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A New Page for Israel

  The new year is traditionally rung in to the soundtrack of well-wishes. In the days, hours and minutes before bidding farewell to the old year and stepping into the new, friends, family and perfect strangers typically great each other with words of hope for peace, love, joy and everything precious and beautiful in the

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Circus of the Absurd

July 12, 2023

  In 2022, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) condemned Israel more times than it did all the other countries in the world combined. UNGA passed a total of 28 resolutions rapping a specific nation across the knuckles. Fifteen of these resolutions criticized Israel, while 13 condemned various other countries, like Russia, Afghanistan, Iran, Myanmar,

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He Has Brought Israel to This Time

The words of the well-known Jewish blessing, the Shehecheyanu, are so very apt as we consider Israel’s Diamond Anniversary. “Blessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the universe, who has granted us life, and sustained us, and brought us to this time.” The Return “The first miracle is the idea of a people who

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Arab Voices for Israel

Arab Voices for Israel Israel’s advocates range from devout Jews to fellow Christians to complete agnostics—and everything else in between. Yet there is one particular group of pro-Israel voices that demands a special measure of admiration. Their support for the Jewish state does not stem from religious persuasion or ethnic connection. They choose to speak

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