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Notable Quotes

Gog and Magog?

{image_1}The Rabbinical Council of Judea and Samaria released a statement in which they suggested that the Gaza flotilla incident was“the beginning of the Gog and Magog process[referring to Ezekiel 38]… 

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Preaching to Incite

“The Jews, the enemies of Allah and of his messenger, the enemies of Allah and of his messenger! Enemies of humanity in general and of Palestinians in particular—they wage war against us using all kinds of crimes, and as you see, even the mosques are not spared their racism…

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On Palestinian Glorification of Terrorists



Palestinians continue to defend their practice of honoring terrorists who have killed Israelis by naming public places and events after them.

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Iran’s Unchanged Rhetoric



“Definitely the day will come when nations of the region will witness the destruction of the Zionist regime.

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Holocaust Memorials

 On January 27, many nations memorialize the Holocaust on International Holocaust {image_1}Remembrance Day, as designated in 2005 by the UN. This date marks the liberation of the largest Nazi concentration camp, Auschwitz–Birkenau. Israel’s Holocaust Memorial Day, Yom HaShoah, falls in April just prior to Memorial Day and Independence Day. These quotes come from speeches made in January.

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Ashkenazi: We Won’t Rely on Foreign Armies

{image_1}ISRAEL DEFENSE FORCES CHIEF OF STAFF GABI ASHKENAZI gave a speech in Berlin in October in which he promised never again to allow foreign armies to be the sole protectors of the Jewish people. “We will never look lightly upon those who scheme our demise. We will not deposit our security in the hands of foreigners, and we will allow no one to control the future of the State of Israel,” he said during a ceremony held at the ill-famed Platform 17 in Berlin, from which many Jews left for concentration camps.

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Nasrallah Rages against “Hegemonic” US


HIZBULLAH Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah laid out his political platform on November 30 during a speech filmed by closed-circuit cameras. The platform promotes armed battle against Israel and the United States, as well as all of the latter's protectorates. “We see the US as a power that aims to impose hegemony in the region,” Nasrallah explained. “The Islamic resistance movement in Lebanon aims to fight this hegemony and the [Israeli] occupation.” He said the United States has been treating the globe as a market it aims to control, and that it was waging “a strategy of unlimited expansion.”

“The Bush administration found in September 11 a chance to impose his influence, with the excuse of a war on terror,” the Hizbullah leader said. “He tried to create a parallel between terror and resistance. There is no doubt that American terror is the source of all terror in the world. This administration gave itself the right to embark on a war of destruction, which does not distinguish between one man and the other.”

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Vilnai: Next War to Include All Israel


THREE-AND-A-HALF years have passed since the Second Lebanon War, and on November 24 a project for the renovation and restoration of bomb shelters in northern Israel was celebrated in a festive ceremony. The Prime Minister's Office and the Defense Ministry invested NIS 96 million (roughly US $25.27 million) in the renovation of 3,019 public shelters. An additional 1,838 joint shelters were renovated by the administration for the restoration of the North.

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Netanyahu to UN: Stand with Israel against Iran

{image_1}ON SEPTEMBER 24, ISRAELI PRIME Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed his hope that the world can “learn from history—that we can prevent danger in time.” In an English speech that touched on topics ranging from the reality of the Holocaust to the “travesty” of the recent UN report on Operation Cast Lead in Gaza that accused Israel of war crimes, Netanyahu attempted to portray a world in which forces for peace are faced off against extremist forces, with the UN facing vital choices on how to respond.

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Nasrallah: Israel is Cancerous, Illegal

{image_1}Hizbullah Chief Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah criticized moderate Arab nations which support normalization with Israel, saying that Israel was “a cancer…a metastasis which must be eradicated.”

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