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From French to Hebrew: Returning Home

Notable Quotes

Bouncing Back

As the sun set on 2021, Israel—along with the rest of the world—was eager to return to a sense of normalcy after nearly two years of lockdown, social distancing and isolation. There were, however, a few nagging questions. Was the fallout of COVID-19 so severe that the repercussions would paralyze us for years to come?

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The Choice of Peace

On September 1, 1967, the member states of the Arab League cemented a decision to retain Israel in the role of sworn enemy with the now infamous Khartoum Resolution. The resolution summarized the attitudes of Israel’s Arab neighbors in what became known as the “Three No’s:” “no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no

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Bark or Bite

Nearly 90 years ago, a raving madman dedicated to the demise of European Jewry came to power in Germany. Adolf Hitler made no secret of his intense dislike for the Jewish people. In fact, he used nearly every platform at his disposal to broadcast his belief that the Jews were to blame for the ills

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A Light and a Blessing

Less than a month after Russian tanks rolled across the Ukrainian border to unleash the worst land battle and the biggest refugee crisis in Europe since World War II, an Israeli delegation touched down in the war-torn country to open a 66-bed hospital staffed by more than 60 personnel. The Jewish state’s facility was the

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Only in Israel

Calling Israel “no ordinary country” is something of an understatement. Here, the miraculous serves as the building blocks of history, cemented by the Keeper of Israel’s faithfulness. Here, no day is mundane, no chain of events random and no news headline arbitrary. And here, in this remarkable little country, even everyday life becomes infused with

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Who’s in the Crosshairs?

Throughout the 11-day conflict in May when Hamas fired more than 4,300 rockets in nearly uninterrupted volleys on Israeli civilians, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) retaliated to protect its people from the deadly attack. Like nearly all military operations in its 73-year history, Operation Guardian of the Walls unleashed a floodgate of condemnation, accusation and

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According to Palestinian law, every Palestinian convicted of an attack against Israelis is eligible for lavish financial payments doled out in “monthly salaries” to both the terrorist and his or her family from the moment of arrest—with the bonus of additional cash grants and priority civil service job opportunities upon release. The deadlier and bloodier

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Denying a History

The history of the Land of Israel and the Jewish people are inextricably linked. You can hardly relate the narrative of the one without telling the story of the other. The connection was first established millennia ago when Abraham followed the call of the Almighty to a Land God would later pledge to the father

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Indoctrinated for Hate and Death

The Palestinian powers-that-be are masters of doublespeak, adapting their message to stir the emotions of the audience they happen to address. When the audience is the United Nations, international funding agencies, the world media or English-speaking college students, the message is one of harmony, painting the Palestinian people as a victimized, misunderstood group yearning for

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All Eyes on Israel

Calling 2020 an unusual year would be quite the understatement. This was, after all, the year of a global pandemic without cure sweeping the world, shuttering the nations in isolation, grinding health care systems, international travel and everyday life to a halt and bringing business, economies and livelihoods to their knees. Israel was far from

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