Newly appointed Fatah head Farouk Kaddoumi said in November that Yasser Arafat “had joined the tens of thousands of martyrs among the Palestinian nation.” Speaking on the Al-Jazeera television network, he said Arafat had left behind a generation of Palestinians who will “work toward the fulfillment of his dream that a Palestinian boy will fly the Palestinian flag above the walls of Jerusalem.”
Continue Reading »Fighters in the Gaza Strip are proud to show off the latest addition to their arsenal of homemade rockets—the “Yasser Arafat.”
Continue Reading »Each Friday, Muslim countries invite noted Muslim clerics to give sermon messages on state-sponsored radio and television. The Palestinian Authority (PA) is no exception. In Sheik Ibrahim Madiras’s Friday sermon on PA TV last December, he called for the borders of the Palestinian state to be those of the British Mandate—at that time, comprising all the land of Israel, the territories, and the Kingdom of Jordan. Incidentally, this land was given to the Jewish people by order of the 1917 Balfour Declaration. Subsequently, for British political interests, chunks of territory were taken from the Jews and given to the Arabs.
Continue Reading »Palestinian Authority (PA) leaders Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas) and Abu Ala (Ahmed Qurei), visited Lebanon last December, reiterating their demand for Jerusalem and the right of millions of Arabs to live in Israel.
Continue Reading »{image_1} “It is time to end the uprising. We want a Palestinian state. The [United States] president wants the establishment of a Palestinian state for the Palestinian people, which exists side by side with Israel,” Powell told the Arabic satellite television station Al-Jazeera. His comments were translated into Arabic.
Continue Reading »{image_1} “Today, humanity is being challenged. Unthinkable atrocities take place on a daily basis. There is an evil force at work, which aims to destroy us. The agents of this evil respect nothing, not even the lives of children. Every day, there are bombings; every day, innocent people are targeted and murdered. It seems as if we are helpless. But we are not!
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