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From French to Hebrew: Returning Home

Notable Quotes

The Menace on Israel’s Southern Border

The past 12 months have been particularly strained for the residents of southern Israel. Barrages of rockets, nights spent huddled in bomb shelters as air raid sirens wail, a scorched earth, violent protests a mere stone’s throw away and waves of incendiary kites and balloons flown across the border are but some of the threats

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2018: Israel’s Big Year

No year in Israel can be considered ordinary. This is the land held in title deed by the Almighty, pledged in an everlasting covenant to the children of Abraham. Here, the astounding and against-all-odds serve as the building blocks of history. Yet the fulfillment of promise is more than a historic fact. In Israel, the

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A War of Words

Repeat a lie often enough and it will eventually become truth. That is the propaganda law from which the Nazis reportedly wove an elaborate plot to justify the murder of six million Jews. Their approach was anything but original. Libels, slurs and slanders sold as fact are ancient weapons in the arsenal of those who

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The Kites that Set Southern Israel Ablaze

Hundreds of burning terror kites and balloons launched. More than 3,035 hectares (7,500 ac.) of forest and agricultural land turned to ash. Flocks of wildlife suffocated or burnt. Tens of millions of shekels in damage. A terror regime set on death and destruction… “The Islamist rulers of Gaza aren’t clamoring for a two-state solution. Hamas’s

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Rumors of War

“The chances of war in 2018 are growing… We are ready for war… The next war will be difficult and no simple matter. It will take between days and weeks, but in the end we will win.” —A senior IDF officer addressing military correspondents  Rising Tensions in the North “We are facing a new reality—the

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Israel on the Move

An Inspiration to the World “How unlikely was Israel’s birth; how more unlikely has been her survival. And how confounding, and against the odds, has been her thriving. You have turned the desert into a garden, scarcity into plenty, sickness into health, and you turned hope into a future.  “Israel is like a tree that

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A New Approach to Peace in the Middle East

Jerusalem: Capital of Israel “Israel, like all nations, has the right to determine its capital city…It is simple common sense that foreign embassies be located there. In virtually every country in the world, U.S. embassies are located in the host country’s capital city. Israel should be no different…Our actions are intended to help advance the

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Israel Will Endure

Recognizing the Jewish State “We expect everyone who talks about a peace process to recognize the State of Israel and, of course, to recognize a Jewish state. We are not prepared to accept bogus reconciliations in which the Palestinian side apparently reconciles at the expense of our existence. Whoever wants to make such a reconciliation,

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Israel’s Warming Global Relationships

In Africa PM Netanyahu’s purpose in pursuing African relations is to “Dissolve this majority, this giant bloc of 54 African countries that is the basis of the automatic majority against Israel in the UN and international bodies.” —PM Netanyahu speaking with press before leaving for ECOWAS summit in Liberia   “I believe in Africa, I

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The Complexities of Living in Israel

The Status of Jerusalem “Fifty years ago we returned to the heart of our capital and our country, and 50 years ago we did not conquer—we liberated…With the bravery of our soldiers and with the love of our people, Jerusalem was reunited and so, today, I say to the world with a loud and clear

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