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Hope in Difficult Times


The Fig – Sweet as Honey:  Honey Baked Figs

{image_1}It is believed by some that the “honey from the rock” was from the fig because the fig tree can grow in rocky places. The natural sweetness of the fruit is attested to in the “parable of the trees,” where the fig tree is asked to be king over all the trees (Judges 9:7–15). The fig’s answer is, “Should I cease my sweetness and my good fruit, and go to sway over trees?” Even the fig is seemingly jealous of its own sweetness.

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Mimouna – A Unique End to Passover: Mufleta Recipe

March 18, 2007

Passover and Holocaust Memorial Day usually fall close to each other on the calendar. Is there any connection? I think so, though I’m sure it wasn’t purposely planned.

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Moroccan Jewry: Moroccan Chicken Tagine

January 3, 2007

By Charleeda Sprinkle

Jewish people have been living in Morocco, on the northwestern corner of Africa, since before the Roman Empire. Before 1948, there were over 265,000 Jews in Morocco; now there are only 5,000 to 7,000. However, approximately 600,000 Moroccan Jews live in Israel today!

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Egg-Lemon Soup

December 4, 2006

A simple but delicious Middle Eastern soup for a cold winter night’s meal by Hanukkah candlelight!

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God’s Wake-Up Call: Tilapia (fish) Twist

September 10, 2006

The Jewish New Year is celebrated on Rosh Hashanah, Hebrew for “head of the year.” However, you will not find that name in the Bible, even though it is one of the seven biblical feasts. Its biblical name is Yom Teruah, the day of the sounding of trumpets (Lev. 23:23–25). The Jewish New Year is quite solemn compared to rowdy, Western New Year’s Eve parties, as it is understood to be the day God judges His people.

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Makluba – Enjoying Middle Eastern Cuisine

August 3, 2006

Often, when my roommates and I have had guests from the nations at our Shabbat (Sabbath) table on Friday night, we have enjoyed serving them a Middle Eastern meal for a special cultural experience. My favorite choice is makluba, an upside-down chicken and rice dish. It has a delicious Middle Eastern flavor and lends to a very dramatic presentation––turning the hot pot upside-down into a perfectly molded creation.

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Counting the Omer The Value of a Day: Crispy Barley Cookies

May 9, 2006

By Charleeda Sprinkle

You shall count fifty days…” Leviticus 23:15. Pentecost (Greek, meaning “fiftieth”) or Shavuot (Hebrew, meaning “weeks”) is a biblical feast that starts this year on the evening of the second of June. Although there are 50 days between Pesach (Passover) and Shavuot, the two holidays are very connected, because God tells us to count the days between them—a command most of us overlook. Jews call this “counting the omer” (a sheaf or measurement of grain).The counting always starts on the second day of Pesach.

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3-Minute Bread! Matza Make Your Own

March 1, 2006

By Charleeda Sprinkle

“On the fifteenth day of the same month is the Feast of Unleavened Bread to the Lord; seven days you must eat unleavened bread” (Lev. 23:6).

Just about the first thing you think of when you think of Passover or Pesach is matza, the unleavened, cracker-like bread eaten during the eight-day festival. Why do I say eight when the above Scripture says seven? First comes Passover, commemorating the day the lamb was slaughtered and eaten the night before the Israelites left Egypt. The seven-day Feast of Unleavened Bread immediately follows, celebrating the actual Exodus.

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Olive Oil & Balsamic Vinegar Herbed Dipping Sauce

February 1, 2006

By Richard Bristol, PhD

You cannot visit Israel without witnessing the significant place olives play in the agriculture and diet of the people of the Land. Olive trees are found from the north to the south of the Land. When you sit down to a meal in Israel, you will usually find olives on the table, even for breakfast! Olives have been grown here from antiquity; so when we eat olives, we can’t help but envision the patriarchs of Israel enjoying olives with their meals.

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Arise And Shine: Jelly Doughnuts

November 27, 2005

By Charleeda Sprinkle

“For behold, darkness will cover the earth, and deep darkness the peoples; but the Lord will rise upon you, and His glory will appear upon you” (Isaiah 60:2, NAS).

165 BC in Israel was a time of deep darkness. King Antiochus of Syria wanted his kingdom Hellenized (adapted to Greek culture). Jews were ordered to profane the Shabbat (the Sabbath), to stop celebrating the feasts, and to pollute the sanctuary by building altars for idols.  Torah (Gen.–Deut.) scrolls were burned and anyone who would not sacrifice to the Greek idols was put to death. Many Jews had already assimilated to the Greek way of life and welcomed the changes, but a few resisted.

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