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Tears and the Faithfulness of God


Tell Them, “I Love You!”

{image_1}There is a saying among Israeli cooks: If you want to say “I love you” with food, make memulaim, the Hebrew name for stuffed vegetables. Usually involving peppers or egg plant, this delightful tradition came to Israel in an endless variety of forms from all over the Diaspora. Although a little labor intensive, the following recipe is bound to communicate warmth and welcome to the friends and family around your table.

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The Versatile Pumpkin—with a Jewish Flair

{image_1}As I write this, we have just finished the fall holiday season here in Israel, and as you read it, you may be preparing for the celebration of Christmas, Hanukkah, and the New Year. Many of the foods found on Israel’s holiday table may be very different, but some dishes can easily make the transition. One of those versatile foods with an incredible Jewish history is pumpkin!

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A Treat Fit for a Rich Man

{image_1}A story is told of a poor man looking into the window of a fine restaurant, watching the very rich inside talking gaily and eating blintzes. When he arrived home, he asked his wife if somehow she could make him blintzes. He just had to have some. She assembled the flour, water, egg… “Oh, my dear, I have no cream cheese,” she said. “Just skip it; make them anyway,” replied her husband. “There’s no honey,” she cried. “Don’t need it,” he replied.

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Nuts about Nut and Fruit Cake

{image_1}Dried fruits and nuts are standard fare on the Middle Eastern table and have been for millennia. Figs, dates, and apricots were delicious, nutritious staples in the ancient Israeli diet, and drying them insured they could be eaten year-round. Today, many a holiday menu is augmented with colorful dishes of these tasty delights, and generations of Israeli cooks have come up with literally hundreds of creative ways to use them in main dishes, salads and desserts.

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Rina’s Famous Fish

{image_1}Of all the artistic gifts that God has bestowed on His people, that of cooking is probably the most widely appreciated. Combining spices, flavors, and aromas to create a “dish to die for” is indeed an art, and we all know people from whom we covet a dinner invitation because the very thought of the food that graces their tables causes our mouths to water.

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Surprising Seders

{image_1}Many of us are familiar with the celebration of Passover, even if we aren’t Jewish. Some of us have had the privilege of attending a Passover seder meal in the home of a Jewish friend or participated in a sederconducted as a teaching experience. Many Christians are aware that the Last Supper, as mentioned in the Christian Scriptures, was a Passover seder and are eager to learn about the holiday that was important to Yeshua (Jesus) Himself. As traditions go, Passover has had amazing longevity, originally celebrated by Moses and the Israelites, and has attracted interest from a variety of faith traditions.

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Mount Zion’s “Snookery”: Chocolate Almond Velvet Ice Cream

{image_1} “Snook” was the wife of BFP’s founder, Dr. G. Douglas Young. Though she wasn’t a teacher, writer, or speaker like her husband, Georgina Young was as involved in the work of the Institute of Holy Land Studies—the school Dr. Young founded in Jerusalem—as he was, just in different roles: decorator, homemaker, hostess, cook, and “mom” to students far from home and war-weary Israeli soldiers.

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The Hanukkah Trail: Ashkenazi Potato Latkes

{image_1}It was Hanukkah, last year, when a group of Bridges for Peace staff gathered outside the Old City at Jaffa Gate, early evening. We were guided through the Old City by Tom Brimmer, our CEO’s husband and licensed tour guide. As we began our walk, I realized what a special evening this was going to be. Not only does Tom have a wealth of knowledge and interesting facts at his fingertips, but there was an acute awareness surrounding us of who the Jewish people are. How they love this Land and love to celebrate the holidays and the feasts! Their pride in being Jewish and in their history and culture shines like a light. So began our trail of seeking and admiring the Hanukkah menorahs (hanukkiot).

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Hooked on Fish: Sea Bass with Tahini Sauce

{image_1}When we think of all the creatures referenced in the Bible, especially those mentioned for food, fish probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. The sacrificial system which fed the priesthood, the meals prescribed for celebrating the various feast days, and the fatted calf that fed the ancient visitor were all based on red meat. As such, cattle are mentioned many times in the Scriptures. In the earliest references, the use of the word simply means “domesticated animal” and might have included other species. And of course, sheep and goats are referred to literally hundreds of times. No wonder we think of these creatures first.

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Hidden Treasure: Beetroot and Pomegranate Salad

{image_1} Have you ever opened a pomegranate and marveled at the mass of sparkling rubies one finds? Almost like opening a treasure chest with great expectation, and there—glistening in the light—are tiny clusters of gems. One can only be in awe of the intricacy of God’s creation. Quite regal in appearance with its crown prominently displayed, the pomegranate is one of the seven species of the land of Israel (Deut. 8:8). It is the fruit that ripens in September, heralding in Rosh HaShana, the Jewish New Year. Pomegranate trees throughout the Holy Land are laden, and there is an expectancy of hope and joyous celebrations.

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