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Signs of the Times

Threat of War from Israel’s North ‘Significantly Greater’ than Gaza

The retiring head of Israel’s Northern Command, Major General Yair Golan, has warned that the threat of war from Israel’s northern border is “many times greater” than Gaza. In an interview on Israel’s Army Radio, he said, “in case of war with the North, the threat will be significantly greater than what we have seen

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Netanyahu: “We are in a battle for Jerusalem, our eternal capital”

 “We are in the midst of a terrorist assault focused on Jerusalem. During morning prayers [last November], as they were wrapped in prayer shawls and tefillin, four rabbis were slaughtered, four innocent and pure Jews…The human animals who perpetrated this slaughter were full of…deep hatred and terrible incitement against the Jewish people and its state.

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Egypt’s War against Gaza Terrorism

Photo by Marius Arnesen/wikipedia.org Egypt is constructing a security zone along Gaza’s southern border, the so-called Rafah buffer. It is a strip 14 kilometers [8.7 mi] long and about one-half kilometer [.3 mi] wide. The rapid, even ruthless, imposition of the zone is in response to an attack in Sinai that killed 33 of Egypt’s

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Hamas Pursues Aggressive Reconstruction of Gaza Terror Tunnels

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon expressed “shock and alarm” after visiting a Hamas terror tunnel in Gaza in late October. Days later Hamas military commander, “Abu Khalid,” publicly announced aggressive reconstruction of tunnels destroyed by Israel during “Operation Protective Edge.” Hamas invited Gaza newspaper Al-Resalah reporter Mahmoud Fouda on an exclusive tour of tunnel reconstruction.

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How the Donors Saved Hamas

By Khaled Abu Toameh, Gatestone Institute ~  It would be naïve to think that Hamas would not benefit from the billions of dollars that have been promised to help with the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip, during a donor conference in Cairo. The Palestinians were hoping for $4 billion, but the donor states pledged $5.4

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Captured Hamas Combat Manual Explains Benefits of Human Shields

Human shields on Gaza building preventing IAF strike Throughout Operation Protective Edge, Hamas has continuously used the civilian population of Gaza as human shields. The discovery of a Hamas “Urban Warfare” manual by the IDF (Israel Defense Force) reveals that Hamas’ callous use of the Gazan population was intentional and preplanned. This Hamas urban warfare

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Rampant Media Bias on Israel

CNN headquarters, NY In recent days, Jews in America and throughout the world have begun to protest the rampant anti-Israel bias that we have seen in media coverage of the war in Gaza. This lurid, unbalanced coverage shows an unhealthy obsession with Israel and has prompted some European politicians to speak of Israeli “massacres.” Even

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Aliyah Spurred by European Anti-Semitism

Pro-Palestinian protestors Photo Credit: Boris Niehaus/wikipedia.org The cover of Newsweek, a US news magazine, read “Exodus: Why Europe’s Jews Are Fleeing Once Again.” The opening line was chilling, “The mob howled for vengeance, the missiles raining down on the synagogue walls as the worshippers huddled inside. It was a scene from Europe in the 1930s—except

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Official PA Cartoon Depicts Destruction of Israel

A cartoon in the official PA [Palestinian Authority] daily presents the reconciliation and unity between Fatah and Hamas as a means to destroy Israelis/Jews. Photo credit: palwatch.org Israel is depicted as the head of a snake or worm, wearing a Jewish skull cap with a Star of David on it. The head may be intended

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Alarming Success of Extremist Parties in Europe

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has voiced concern at the growing success of extremist parties, including neo-Nazi parties, in the European Parliament elections. The “alarming” results came on the heels of the deadly attack at the Brussels Jewish Museum, in which four people were killed by an unidentified gunman in an attack authorities have described as

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