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Hope in Difficult Times

Signs of the Times

Reinforcing Ground Forces

{image_1}Earlier this year, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) purchased 2,000 Hummers from the US Army that were left behind with they withdrew from Iraq. They have low mileage and were purchased at less than one-third the standard price, according to a WorldTribune.com article. “The new vehicles, which will expand our fleet, will significantly improve our maneuvering ability during an emergency,” explained Maj. Amit Trep, head of the Department of Weapons Mobility. “This will be a giant leap forward.” They will arrive in Israel in stages at around 100 per month, according to the IDF’s Web site.

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The Home Front Prepares

{image_1}”The Home Front Command is prepared for a wide variety of threats,” Maj. Gen. Eyal Eizenberg, chief of the Home Front Command. “Israeli civilians must understand that in the next war, they are part of the system, and that the outcome of the next campaign depends on the resilience of the home front.”

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Next Lebanon War Will Be Different

{image_1}Israel Defense Forces [IDF] officials painted a bleak picture of a future conflict between Israel and Lebanon, saying that it will probably entail a massive response by the IDF, including the deployment of ground forces. On the eve of the sixth anniversary of the Second Lebanon War, IDF officials expressed grave concern over the future of the relative calm noted on the Lebanese border [to date].

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“Sabotaging” Peace Efforts?

{image_1}After Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu approved 851 new housing units for settlements in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank), Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's spokesman said that the decision was “sabotaging” the peace efforts.

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Israel’s Mass Evacuation Plan

{image_1}The Ministerial Committee on Home Front Affairs is discussing a plan for a mass evacuation in the event of a missile attack. According to the plan, entire cities will be moved to southern Israel around Eilat and the Arava area. The plan also applies to cases of natural disasters at the national level and is a reworking of one of Israel's contingency plans.

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65,000 Missiles Aimed at Israel

{image_1}Nearly 65,000 missiles and rockets are targeted at Israel, nearly all of them in the arsenal of the Lebanese Shiite movement Hizbullah, while the most deadly are based in Syria and Iran. Brig. Gen. Itay Baron, head of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Military Intelligence research section, told the Knesset [Parliament] Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee that Syria and Iran have some 3,500 missiles aimed at Israel.

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Soldiers to Have Portable “Iron Domes”

August 9, 2012

{image_1}The Israel Defense Forces’ plans for improving its firepower is a topic of much interest in Israeli military circles. At a conference on “Air and Land Operations in a Complex Environment,” GOC Ground Forces Maj. Gen. Shlomo Turgeman discussed a future project to supply soldiers in the field with equipment capable of intercepting rockets, similar to the successful anti-rocket defense system, the Iron Dome.

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What about Jewish Refugees?

{image_1}The Foreign Ministry held a conference in April during which it presented a special report on “Jewish refugees from Arab nations.” Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon urged the Arab world to recognize its historic responsibility for displacing Jews who once lived in Arab nations and making them de-facto refugees.

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A Recurring Nightmare

{image_1}In March, four Jews, as well as three soldiers, were killed in Toulouse, France, by a Muslim gunman who was a member of al-Qaeda. Funerals were held in the presence of thousands in Jerusalem for Rabbi Jonathan Sandler, 30, his three-year-old and six-year-old sons Gabriel and Arieh, and eight-year-old Myriam Monsonego, daughter of school headmaster Rabbi Yaacov Monsonego. All four victims held joint French and Israeli nationality.

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Sbarro Terrorist Gets TV Show

{image_1}Ahlam Tamimi, the Hamas terrorist who drove a suicide bomber to the Sbarro restaurant in Jerusalem where 15 people were consequently killed, has gotten her own television show, Ynet has learned. Tamimi, who was sentenced to 16 life terms in Israeli prison, was freed in October as part of the swap that bought Israel Defense Forces [IDF] soldier Gilad Shalit’s freedom. She was deported to Jordan, where she appears to have launched a television career. In an interview, Tamimi said she does not regret her involvement in the 2001 attack.

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