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Signs of the Times

Obama “Endorses” Israel’s Nuclear Stance

{image_1}US President Barack Obama took the initiative to indirectly reaffirm the Israeli policy of nuclear ambiguity during his July press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, despite signing on to a statement at the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference in May that called for Israel to join the NPT, a step that could force them to give up any nuclear weapons.

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Hizbullah’s Deployment Revealed

{image_1}The Israeli Defense Forces [IDF] revealed in July aerial photographs of sites at the village of al-Khiam in southern Lebanon, where the IDF suspects Hizbullah is storing various weapons and even operating headquarters and control centers. Colonel Ronen Marley, commander of the western brigade at the northern border, commented, “An event can take place today, or a year from now; I am ready for it to happen by surprise.” [Less than a month later, sniper fire broke out across the border, killing an Israeli commander.]

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Preparing for the Worst

{image_1}The fourth annual, nationwide Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Home Front drill took place in May, lasting five days. The exercise replicated emergency scenarios in more than 30 locations, including the evacuation of wounded from within ruins and cleansing an area that suffered an attack from an unconventional rocket. Citizens were encouraged to participate upon hearing the siren, going to the nearest shelter or safe room and remaining there for 10 minutes.

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Russia to Build a Syrian Nuclear Reactor?

{image_1}Russia’s energy minister said his country is considering helping Syria build a nuclear reactor for producing energy. The minister made the statements as he accompanied Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on his landmark visit to Damascus. “Cooperation on atomic energy might gain new momentum,” Medvedev said in a joint press conference he held with Syrian President Bashar Assad. The curious move came as the Russian leader called for a nuclear-weapons free Middle East.

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Hizbullah Theme Park Glorifies War against Israel

{image_1}Hizbullah has opened a theme park glorifying its battles against Israel on a mountaintop in southern Lebanon. The launch of the tourist site was timed to coincide with the 10th anniversary of Israel’s unilateral pullout from Lebanon, for which Hizbullah claims credit. The site itself—at Mlita, about 20 miles [32 kilometers] north of the Israel–Lebanon border—was a secret underground Hizbullah base during the years Israeli troops patrolled southern Lebanon.

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Tel Aviv in M600 Missile Range of Hizbullah

{image_1}Syria has provided Hizbullah with a supply of M600 missiles during the past year, according to the head of research for Israel’s Military Intelligence. The Syrian copy of an Iranian design has a range of 187 miles [301 kilometers], which places Tel Aviv, Israel’s largest city, within Hizbullah’s sights. The weapon carries an explosive payload of up to one-half ton. The majority of Israel’s population is clustered within the greater Tel Aviv area.

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Gaza Flotilla Preplanned Attack on Soldiers

{image_1}Deadly violence erupted May 31 as activists on one of the boats claiming to bring humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip attacked Israeli soldiers after they boarded the flotilla to enforce Israel’s naval blockade of Hamas-run Gaza. According to press statements from the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), at least nine activists were killed in the confrontation and seven Israeli soldiers were wounded, four moderately, of which two were initially in critical condition. During the confrontation, two guns belonging to the Israeli soldiers were taken by the activists and used against the IDF.

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Investment in Israeli Venture Capital Drops


Israeli venture capital firms are finding it difficult to find investors for the country’s high-tech sector, a recent report found. Venture capital funds function as a bridge between investors and start-up companies requiring initial investments to develop new products and services. According to a report by the Israeli Venture Capital Research Center (IVCRC), 2009 was the third worst year in the last decade for the country’s venture capital funds, as only US $228 million was raised compared to US $803 in 2008, a drop of 72%.

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UNICEF Supports Palestinian Hate Ad


Donor organizations to the Palestinian Authority [PA] have been challenged for years to prevent their well-intentioned contributions from being directed towards hate promotion by the PA, its institutions, and its NGOs.

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Mauritania Cuts Ties with Israel


Israel’s last official ambassador to Mauritania said he was surprised by the country’s announcement that it had completely severed ties with the Jewish state. “To be honest,” Boaz Bismut told The Media Line, “I didn’t believe it would happen because I knew the relations were something good and had positive consequences on both sides.

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