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Signs of the Times

Jew Hatred on the Rise Down Under

April 13, 2005

Attacks on Jews in Australia have surged to record levels, due in part to the growing use of the Internet by anti-Semitic groups, a report released by the Executive Council of Australian Jewry has found.

In its annual report on anti-Semitism in Australia, Australian Jewry’s umbrella organization said there were 50% more anti-Jewish attacks between October 2003 and September 2004 than the average recorded over the past 14 years.

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Israelis on Evolution

April 13, 2005

The Israeli edition of National Geographic magazine commissioned a poll to determine how Israelis view evolution. The results: More than 42% of Israelis believe God created man, while 31% believe that man was the product of evolution.

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Israel’s Economic Comeback

April 13, 2005

After the worst recession in the country’s history, Israel is staging an economic comeback. A rise in global demand and dramatic improvement in the security situation helped real gross domestic product to grow by about 4% in 2004. And prospects for 2005 look equally good.

A 20% jump in exports led the 2004 recovery. Gains were especially strong in high-tech gear, such as software and semiconductors, which account for half of Israel’s industrial exports. Tourism, private consumption, and construction also added to growth.

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Poverty Is Not the Cause of Terrorism

{image_1} A new study by a Harvard University professor has found that terrorism is not caused by poverty-thus further undermining the main premise behind international aid to the Palestinian Arabs of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza.

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“Do you ever go to bed hungry?”

February 1, 2005

One in Five Israeli Children Go To Bed Without Supper

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Jerusalem Goes Wireless

February 1, 2005

As promised, Jerusalem is now wireless. The new Unwire Jerusalem program, which provides free, wireless Internet access in selected public places, was launched in November 2004 at a ceremony at City Hall.

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Iran Successfully Tests “Strategic Missile”

{image_1} TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran added a “strategic missile” to its military arsenal after a successful test, and the defense minister said in September that his country was ready to confront any external threat. The report by state-run radio did not say whether the test involved the previously announced new version of the Shahab-3 rocket, capable of reaching Israel and United States forces stationed in the Middle East, or a different missile.

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Highest Terror Toll Since 1947

{image_1} The number of Israeli civilians killed in terror attacks in the last four years is nearly equal to the number killed by terrorists in the preceding 53 years, Shin Bet (Israeli internal security organization) head Avi Dichter told the Cabinet recently.

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Sea of Galilee in Good Shape

{image_1} The Kinneret (Sea of Galilee), Israel’s largest reservoir, stands fuller and higher than it has been in previous years at this time. The level of the lake is now 210.5 meters (689.6 feet) below sea level—approximately 20 centimeters (7.9 inches) higher than it was last year at this time, and almost four meters (13 feet) higher than two years ago.

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