Israel’s biblical heartland is facing a big problem. In the land of milk and honey, terrorists have established a hornet’s nest from which springs a never-ending stream of violence. The base is Jenin, a hotbed of terrorism in northern Samaria. Over the past year, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said in July, residents of
Continue Reading »There is something wonderfully moving about standing among Israelis as their national anthem is sung. As you hear the passion in their voices and see the tears in many eyes, you realize how the words of the “Hatikvah” (The Hope) have shaped the thinking of a nation and helped keep the Zionist dream alive
Continue Reading »The new year is traditionally rung in to the soundtrack of well-wishes. In the days, hours and minutes before bidding farewell to the old year and stepping into the new, friends, family and perfect strangers typically great each other with words of hope for peace, love, joy and everything precious and beautiful in the
Continue Reading »The images grip your heart. A broken father—grief streaming in rivulets down his cheeks—rocking the lifeless body of his two-year-old daughter after the toddler and her pregnant mother were supposedly killed in an Israeli airstrike. A mother’s tears pooling on the picture of a beaming preschooler—riotous curls framing an angelic face—as she cradles the
Continue Reading »In 2022, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) condemned Israel more times than it did all the other countries in the world combined. UNGA passed a total of 28 resolutions rapping a specific nation across the knuckles. Fifteen of these resolutions criticized Israel, while 13 condemned various other countries, like Russia, Afghanistan, Iran, Myanmar,
Continue Reading »In 2022, a record-breaking number of Jewish people made the decision to bid the country of their birth farewell and return to the country God covenanted to their ancestor Abraham. In fact, Israel has not seen such an influx of new olim (immigrants) coming home since the Iron Curtain fell in 1989 and the borders
Continue Reading »Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stood on the White House lawn on September 15, 2020 with the foreign minister of Bahrain, then-President Donald Trump and the foreign minister of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Each leader displayed their copy of the Abraham Accords, the peace agreement normalizing ties between Israel and her two new Arab
Continue Reading »In April, the Hebrew daily Makor Rishon ran a chilling op-ed entitled ‘“Death to Israel’: The Iranian Plan to Attack Israel.” The piece was penned by Lt. Col. (res.) Dr. Mordechai Kedar, a well-respected Arab scholar with 25 years of service in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) military intelligence under his belt. According to Kedar,
Continue Reading »The words of the well-known Jewish blessing, the Shehecheyanu, are so very apt as we consider Israel’s Diamond Anniversary. “Blessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the universe, who has granted us life, and sustained us, and brought us to this time.” The Return “The first miracle is the idea of a people who
Continue Reading »Celebrating 100,000 Homecomings Scripture is full of God’s promises to return the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to their ancient homeland. Jeremiah 32:37–44 is a beautiful description of His heart and plans. In verse 41, the Lord promises, “Yes, I will rejoice over them to do them good, and I will assuredly plant them
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