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From French to Hebrew: Returning Home

Signs of the Times

Jewish Leaders say “Yes” Palestinians “No”

In 1947 the United Nations voted for partition—dividing the Land into Jewish and Arab sections. The Jews, fresh from the horror of the Holocaust, joyously accepted the small truncated state. To their reasoning, something was better than nothing. The Arabs refused. On May 14, 1948, Israel declared statehood and five Arab armies attacked the tiny,

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Israel’s Track Record of Safeguarding Civilization from Rogue Nuclear Powers

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently vowed that Israel would not shrink from military action to stop Tehran from satisfying its nuclear ambitions. “We will act, if necessary, against Iran itself,” he said. Netanyahu did not spell out the implications of his words. He did not have to. Israel has a track record of making good

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2017: Anniversaries Tell the Story

Despite the serious issues today’s world is constantly facing, 2017 is proving to be quite the amazing year. A close look at this year’s calendar reveals over two dozen anniversaries of historical events that have significantly impacted civilization in one way or another. And there really is something for everyone. For the lighthearted among us,

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Egyptian President: Gaza Buffer Zone not Enough

Friday, 28 April 2017 | Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said on Tuesday that the one-kilometer [0.6 mi] buffer zone defense project on the Gaza border is not enough to prevent smuggling. “We found tunnels that are three kilometers [1.9 mi] long and 35 meters [115 ft] deep. These are tunnels that can transport vehicles

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Improving Sinai Border Fence

Friday, 27 January 2017 | The Department of Engineering and Construction of the Ministry of Defense has now completed a project to raise in places the height of the border fence that separates Israel from Egypt. The 242 kilometer [150 mi] fence, which stretches from the Red Sea Port of Eilat to the Gaza Strip

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The World Is Silent, Except When it Comes to Israel

The massacre in Mosul and its surroundings is shocking. Everyone is killing and massacring everyone. Not just ISIS. The world is watching. The world knows. And the world is keeping quiet. It also happened in Aleppo in Syria. The big hospital was ruined. The world knows, watches and keeps silent. The world’s greatest power has

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The Language of Destruction

My friend, Henry, (not his real name) was in his early teens when the Nazis came to power in his native Germany. Although Jewish, he was extremely popular in his German school, elected president of his class, a football hero and a star pupil. One morning as the school day began, Henry’s teacher called him

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Hezbollah Could Fire 1,200 Rockets Daily into Israel

A former IDF general warned Israelis that the next war with the Iran-backed Lebanese terror organization, Hezbollah, would lead to a barrage of rockets into Israel on an order of magnitude higher than anything Israel has yet faced. Major General (res.) Yitzhak Gershon, who served as the head of the IDF’s Home Front Command during

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Israel to Build Underground Wall around Gaza Strip

Israel’s defense establishment’s plan to build a concrete wall tens of meters underground as well as aboveground along the Gaza Strip border was revealed by Yedioth Ahronoth. It has previously been estimated that such a project would cost tens of billions of shekels. However, under the new plan the construction costs are estimated to reach

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Israel Creates the Syrian Liaison Unit

Israel is planning for a long period of instability [due to] a political vacuum on the border with Syria in the Golan Heights. Therefore, the IDF [Israel Defense Forces] has expanded and created units in the Northern Command which deal specifically with maintaining contact with local residents on the Syrian side of the border. The

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