Jerusalem! The very name evokes an emotional response. Teddy Kollek, mayor of Jerusalem for nearly three decades, once said, “Everybody has two cities, his own and Jerusalem.” No one is indifferent to Jerusalem—one loves her, hates her, or is fascinated by her. No matter where I travel, I meet people who ask what it is
Continue Reading »Men and women of faith have always yearned for the approval of God. We try to gain His approval through righteous acts, piety and religious expression. We build beautiful buildings in His honor. Our spiritual leaders speak eloquent messages teaching us the way to God. Many try to become perfect. Others recognizing their inability to
Continue Reading »Have you ever met anyone who really did not like to sing? It’s a rare occurrence. The vast majority of people enjoy singing, whether before a group of people or in front of the bathroom mirror, with a choir or in the shower. We sing in the car, we sing while we work, we sing
Continue Reading »Daniel is an amazing biblical example of a man totally surrendered and committed to God; a man that God used then and has used through the ages until the present time. His prophecies are still considered relevant today as they relate to latter times. Jewish and Christian scholars study Daniel with great interest. In the
Continue Reading »In 1982, I was in my bedroom reading my Bible and praying about whether or not to join a trip to Israel. As I thumbed through my Bible, it fell open to Isaiah 62. The words leaped off the page. I felt like my soul was branded with these words, “For Zion’s sake I will
Continue Reading »Did you have a positive childhood experience that continues to impact your life? When I was a tender, impressionable eight-year-old boy, my parents worked at a college. A graduate student in biology took an interest in me and my twin brother. He would often take us out in the springtime to check bird nests and
Continue Reading »Wisdom. It seems to be one of the most sought after and yet elusive characteristics to captivate the attention of mankind throughout our history. Poets, philosophers, teachers, preachers and politicians have discussed it at length, many claiming to have it themselves while being quick to point out that the rest of us don’t. Sophocles reminded
Continue Reading »Do you ever feel like you are in a desert? Deserts and wilderness places are inhospitable. Water is scarce and without water, nothing can live. Perhaps you have been in a situation that seemed overwhelming. Yet, it is at these times that God often speaks. It was in the desert near Horeb that Moses met
Continue Reading »Few Bible writers have been as controversial, and perhaps as misunderstood, as Paul. Ordained by the Lord to be the apostle to the Gentile world, his task was enormous and certainly filled with pitfalls. Self-identifying as a “Pharisee of Pharisees,” Paul’s writings make it clear that his Judaism remained at the heart of his religious
Continue Reading »I remember a television game show entitled, “Truth or Consequences.” Contestants were asked a hard-to-answer trivia question. If they couldn’t answer correctly then they had to do some silly stunt or embarrassing action. Ironically, most seemed to think that accepting the consequence was more fun than answering correctly. Truth was trivialized! Today we live in
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